well, my blog is still fairly dead, but i still get a decent amount of visitors each day. i've been looking at stats today. i've been blogging since june of 2005. that's 4 years, 6 months and 4 days. or 1648 days. i've written over 1700 posts, which would qualify me as "blog chatty" for sure.
over the years i've had over 40,000 visitors. last year i had 20,000 unique visitors and 5,000 who came back for more. although most of my blog comments seem to be asian (& now russian) spam. and my mom. mom & spam are good stuff!

i did a google image search for glittergirl1970 and this came up:
i love seeing the dogs, my mom & dan, my broken leg xray, all come up in the google search. weird and random and mostly dogs....sounds about right!