June 5, 2008

a sort of fairytale.....

so, what's been going on with my life, specifically my job? i've been hesitant to blog about things, because it's serious stuff. and seeing a friend have problems with a blog "stalker" has me a little........ concerned. i've never been careful with what i wrote on this blog. i've never been good at keeping my mouth shut when i have something to say. but i'm also a grown-up and not interested in damaging my career or inviting some kind of lawsuit. so here's a fictionalized account of what has been going on with my job. (names & dates have been changed to protect the creeps.)

(the princess)

there once was a beautiful, glittery princess who worked in a high tower near the deep, dark lake. she liked the work, but the chariot ride to the tower was long and treacherous! (the elves hired by the king seemed to love orange barrels.) she longed for something closer to her little castle, and work that would provide vacation time and decent benefits. a princess with a hobbled leg and a generally clumsy manner needs good health care, duh!

(the chariot)

so the princess left the tower by the lake for a small colony of workers, much closer to her castle. she missed her friends in the tower, but she kept in touch with them and made new friend
s in the small colony. the leader of the small colony was a stubborn queen. she was very set in her queenly ways, but listened to the princess occasionally. they learned to get along and work together to make the colony a better place for everyone.

it was a good time in the kingdom...
until the day the mysterious king decreed that the queen must go. and so she was gone. no one knew why the king had ordered her gone. the princess and her friends were sad, but decided to continue on in the good work the queen had begun. they were given a message from the king to continue on, with a new queen on the throne.

(the witch)

the new queen flew in from the west on a broom and was immediately disliked by all. she was rude and unkind to all the workers in the colony. she was not a nice queen. in fact, she was more of a witch then a queen. and as we all know, witches do not make good managers! the princess tried to be kind to the crabby witch. she tried to do her work and wanted to please the witch, but the witch was too busy to notice. she spent her time flying around on her broom, knocking over bird's nests and smashing butterflies. the colony grew dark and cold and no laughter could be heard. so the princess hightailed it back to the tower by the lake, where they offered her a promotion! her chariot would have to deal with the orange barrels that the elves loved so much, but she would never have to hear the deep, dark cackle of that witch ever again.

(the tower by the lake)

the end!


Whitey said...

Yes you have to watch those blog stalkers!

Mojito Libre said...

And the tower dwellers were joyous...cue Holy Grail low-key "yeeaaaa".


one thing i forgot to mention: the princess is prepared to avenge the death of her beloved sea monkeys.

Anonymous said...

I want to go to the tower by the lake! Hell, I would go to any tower and really it would not have to be a tower or by a lake! I would enjoy anywhere that I did not have to deal with the wicked witch. She IS evil! Well, at least two people in the small colony miss you!

Mojito Libre said...

Well, the sea monkeys fought valiantly during the Great Toilet Flush Crusade.