February 20, 2008

new "before" pic along with current one...

i found my original "before" photo (here on the left.) i had david take this pic the week before surgery when i was at my heaviest (around 300 pounds.) i made sure to look extra "sad" for the comic effect.
the funny thing was that i wasn't all that sad at my heaviest. it was no GD picnic, let me tell ya, but i wasn't completely miserable. i had a good job, good friends, a good boyfriend. good, good, good.
i want to make that point because some of the emails i got in response to the news story sort of assumed i was looking for some "magic bullet" to fix my life, or that i thought being thin would cure all my woes.
i never once said, "when i get this surgery and get skinny, my life is gonna be perfect!"
anyways, there's my best "before" pic and one i snapped this weekend at my mom's. i rarely take full length pics, so i thought it would be interesting to include.
i actually don't hate this current full-length photo.


rachel said...

Jennifer... there is no way that you have gained back half of the total weight you lost. NO WAY!


sorry BFF, but it's true!

i started at 300
i got down to 150
i am now around 220

you do the math!!!!!

but monica robins said the same thing. she thinks that the wieght i am at now is probably what my body naturally sort of gravitates to, give or take a few pounds.

i'm currently a size 18 and want to get back into a 16. but i'm happy with where i am now.

Anonymous said...

thats right jennifer. Your happy where you are at, then stay there damn it! You look great!

Hell, Hoss was 400 lbs. He never expected to get to 200 lbs. I think he was that weight at birth! LOL. He told me right before surgery, that he would know when he was at his optimal weight.."Babe, when I can wear my Beatle Boots again and do the splits while singing...I Feel Good...by James Brown....I will be normal again!" I just looked at him, bent over the side rail on the bed, and kissed him and said..."Honey...define Normal and when were you Normal!" LOL



sue- that had me cracking up at my desk this morning. did he ever actually do the splits when singing??? LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

well, no jennifer, he never did the splits, but he wanted too! He did sound just like James when he sang. I have some old video of him singing with the band. My favorite song thou was"When a Man Loves a Woman." He always sang it for me...Oh and another favorite was "Lucil