my new cute subcompact laptop.... the eee pc!

at first the wireless wouldn't work, and dan said "i told you so!"

but then he helped me get it up & running. look at him on 3 computers at once!

here it is, up and running, compared to the iMac with 20" monitor. it's wee and tiny!
then we had a salad explosion and cleo ripped up griffin's new valentine gorilla....

congratulation cleo! now rest up.............
WOW! I never thought it was possible...but that laptop makes your head look bigger!
So funny! In the first picture, I thought its hard to tell how big it is with only your head as a size reference.
both of you bi-a-tches are not small in the noggin!
in fact, jennette and i were tied for 2nd place in the "easter measuring of the heads" at my mom's this year.
where do you find a tiny little outlet for the tiny little plug on that tiny little computer?
how old is that salad?? it looks all limp and ugly...and poor tiny Griffin had his present destroyed by a big old black dog...
Wow.. my man hands would never be able to type on that thing.
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