January 9, 2008

yo, i'm old!

first pic of me on my bday, age 38 with insane bed head, & air freshener j-net gave me ("girlfriend" scented, which stinks like a deodorized maxi pad.)
rachel's bday gift to me, and my new cute shoes...

my final desk set up and my photo collage of my 4 "old mutts" (although dan is younger then me by about 1.5 years. i'm robbing the cradle!)

this is what i found when i left the house for work this morning, another GD tree collapsed on the barn!

another view, and another collapsed tree....
found out we also had an earthquake last night around 8:30pm. we felt the rumble but weren't sure what it was. awesome! we have a forest collapsing in the back yard, earth quakes, and possibly locusts or plague by the weekend!!!!
weight loss surgery post moved here.


glittermom said...

better a tree on the barn then the house....

copaX said...

I think as long as you can talk about your experience and not let it come back and "haunt" you, then I say it's definitely worth the effort. Like you said, not a lot of people discuss it, and from the sounds of things there's quite a bit of common ground that can be shared among the people that have gone through it. And I think you're right, more people need to say that's not the "easy way out" even though doctors are portraying it that way. My doctor did that to me. He suggested gastric bypass surgery because I wasn't losing much weight. Guess what, I'm not losing much weight because I'm lazy and I'm not putting forth the effort to eat better, not because my body physically needs to be rewired so I don't eat as much.

I say go for it, as long as you think you can do it without relapsing through any past nightmares.

Anonymous said...

I came here to see the pic you told me about and because I knew it IS YOUR BIRTHDAY!! Happy birthday, chica!!

Wow, as for the news article...you are brave, I know you can do it, and there's no shame in your story...but would being out there like that cause you too much anxiety? I know it would me!!

You no doubt would be helping others! I have a friend well over 300 lbs who wants it badly, but I don't think she's a good candidate at all for numerous reasons...I'd like her to know these things...it can take a lot to persuade someone out of something they perceive as their silver bullet, though!

If you do the story, I want a copy for my friend, OK? :)

My baby's crying now but I want to come back and comment on your childhood photos. :)

Anonymous said...

Crap, that last comment was from me, forgot to add!


Mojito Libre said...

I say do it. Unless, of course, that means we'll be treated to a drunken irish rant with you jabbing a candy cigarette at the camera Morton Downey Jr.-style on the Channel 3 News.

It's really up to you. Would you be comfortable being on camera? Cuz, beyond that, I don't really see a down side to informing people of potentially dangerous risks for what is perceived as a potentially safe procedure.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think you shouldn't go. Even though you would still recommend it, radio and tv tend to distort and misrepresent peoples' statements and will prob only mention all of the negative side effects you experienced. Television needs success stories for the gastric bypass b/c it really has helped a lot of people. Even though my mom has had some bad experiences attributed to the chipity-chop, it is my opinion that everything was worth it because if she hadn;t had the surgery, she prob would have been dead by now. I have gotten my mom back because of the gastric bypass. There may be a woman out there whose husband doesn't want her the have the life-saving surgery (which I have encountered) b/c of horror stories, and if you are misrepresented and your quotes are taken out of context, then she will have no support. All people are affected differently from the procedure and every person should do extensive research before going through with such a drastic procedure (which, from what I've heard, many people don't seem to do - aka the people who only supplemented with multivitamins). In addition, unless you are completely sure that the depression, etc, was because of the gastric bypass, then you could be attributing side effects to not the major source of the problem and may be caused by more deep-rooted problems. It's obviously up to you, and I could be totally off on everything I just wrote, but that's my opinion. I just feel very strongly on this issue b/c I've spent many years now trying to convince people to the benefits of the surgery and its lifesaving benefits; there are still a lot of ignorant haters out there. :o)

Anonymous said...

P.S. - Happy Birthday!!!!


wow, very interesting comments so far.

i was glad to see selena comment. i knew she'd have a different take on it. and she's right about a lot of what she said. it is an amazing, life saving procedure. and i do recommend it! i'm happy i did it, even after all the problems and mistakes i made.

i need to make sure and keep this in mind when talking to a reporter. if i am going to do this, i want it to be BALANCED. and i know that will be difficult.

i truly believe the severe depression and subsequent drinking problems were directly due to the surgery as i experienced it. and i've heard the same story from many others, but no one wants to go public with that info. it's embarassing.

so, i have decided to meet with the reporter to discuss the possibility of doing this story. it's "my story" and my version of events, but i hope it can be fair and balanced.

and eva, you are so right about folks seeing the surgery as a "silver bullet" and something easy, when it is most definetly not.

and mojito, i have already thought how hilarious it would be to give a drunken, rambling interview. i love the candy cigarette touch! LMAO!!!!