January 9, 2008

2nd post of the day, not bad for an old lady...

it's gonna be random!!!!

i weeded out my peeps & homies list. per the poll, no one much cared what i did with it. i think it was mainly my mom bitching about the order. anyways, i removed blogs that hadn't been updated since the new year. if anyone gives a rat's ass and wants back on the list, just let me know.

groundcat & i caught some previews for the new reality show called "celebrity rehab." you can click the link to read the funny pajiba take on it. all i know is that seeing a few minutes of the show had me so nervous and uncomfortable i was tasting pennies! i saw a brief clip of the guy from "taxi" looking like he's been smoking crack for a while now (under weight, missing teeth) and it was AWFUL. he was weeping openly and seemed to be in a wheelchair. there's a baldwin brother and that lady wrestler too. i am not going to watch it, even if my mom bosses me to do so. just say NO!

we're still having a blast with photo booth on the iMac. there's just so many horrible things we could do with this program. we definetly need to have a get together soon so all our friends and family can join us in the hideous-fest.

new job update: day 6 and things are really good. i wrote my first script and the new bosslady didn't rip it apart. which is shocking, since she's done that to everyone else. i am running the script today on some enhancement so we'll see how it goes. i've slowly been adding more pink stuff to my desk, and might have to "birth" a new batch of sea-monkeys soon. secret work friend- i need an update on my sea-monkeys!!!! have they given birth? are they being fed and given fresh water? don't make me call children's-seamonkey services!!!!

i thought i had more to say, but lunch is over and i have to go do some actual work. i'll add some recent photobooth pics and be done for the day.


glittermom said...

I will not boss you to watch celeb rehab...I head that it didn't work for any of the people there...Actually in worse shape then when started...Those tv psycho doctors are real scary...Look at Dr Phil..Please, give me a break...or a real Dr...

glittermom said...

Bout time you knocked those dead beat bloggers off your list...yah! You gotta earn your place on this list....

Mojito Libre said...

Shouldn't it be "SNWF" (Secret Non-Work Friend) now??

Anyway. I do not know the status of the seamonkeys because it's been kinda crazy around here for the last week and plus, it's hard to keep tabs on them when their step-dad keeps them in a locked cabinet for most of the day...

glittermom said...

Oh my GOD! The monkeys of the Sea are being held captive in a closet?

Groundcat said...

i have a feeling that you bought that hat and gloves just to take pictures!

when are the sea monkeys going to come out of the closet?

did you know that you share a birthday with Chan Canasta?!


chan canasta is the best polish magician ever!

Anonymous said...

Haha, are you going to call People Services on him?!

Mojito Libre said...

A Polish magician?? There's a joke in there somewhere...

As for the sea-monkeys...I am not authorized to disclose their status at this time...