November 15, 2007

how stella got her blog back...

yeah, dumb title. but i'm going with it. i finally have the urge to blog after a few days of blog-ennui and malaise. so LOOK OUT for random and meaningless, back in yer face!

from pajiba (where i steal so much of my ideas): what was the album/song/movie that forever changed your life? here' s my list off the top of my big head:
from childhood:
film- one flew over the cuckcoo's nest
music- hank williams album (on 8 track in the van)
music- billy joel's "honesty"
film- little shop of horrors (original black & white)

from teenage years:
music- pretty in pink soundtrack (the smiths song at the end)
film- hannah and her sisters
music- repo man soundtrack (suicidal tendencies song)
music- tom waits "in the neighborhood" song and video
film- raising arizona

from adulthood:
film- royal tennenbaums
music- hem's album "rabbit songs"
music- ryan adam's "heartbreaker" album
film- me & you & everyone we know

also, groundcat and i are going out on a "double date" with rachel and david, to a fancy-pants italian joint (thanks to groundcat's gift certificate from last xmas.) we've been joking about making groundcat wear an ugly "holiday sweater", and look at all the good examples i found! i am thinking we need to have an "ugly holiday sweater party" this year. ....

now who can forget the blog excitement a few weeks back (click here if you did forget) over the set of plates my mom gave us. remember, my pattern is "folk art" and i accidentally have a bridal registry here. anyways, we used some of our coinstar money to buy a new set of silverware and OH MY GOD, it's beautiful! it's a 8 serving set of oneida "mooncrest" and it's as magical as it sounds. i will take photos at home so you can all appreciate the beauty and quiet splendor...

ok, i'm pooped. more excitement soon. i'll have a full report (and photos) of the "italian fancypants double date" this weekend. i wonder if they will allow an antique wheelchair in the restaurant???


copaX said...

Ever since I heard it at my dad's funeral, Ave Maria regularly makes me start bawling my eyes out.

The movie Popeye with Robin Williams forever will hold me in terror. One night back in grade school, my dad and I were in the living room watching it, and it struck me that I had forgotten to do some homework or something. I was wracked with fear, and finally opened up to my father that I'd forgotten to do it. I think he just told me to go get it done or something, there was no major climax to it. but whenever I think of it or hear it, I get anxious.

good lord I'm depressing, I have no good stories.


yes, that was quite depressing! but the blog is where we can get our funk on when we need to. so keep those comments coming.

maybe you could ask uncle tank for his list?

also, the film version of "popeye" was bizarre. my dad took me to see it and it made no sense. although shellie duvall is a perfect olive oil. i have posted the clip of her singing "he needs me" somewhere on this blog a while back.

but why robert altman decided to direct popeye, i will never know....

copaX said...

Uncle Tank says his movie choice would have to be Debbie Does Dallas. He said "it's got like a plot and junk to go along with all the sex and whatnot. I remember I got this one chick, Donna Chazinksi, to watch it with me.." then started mumbling under his breath, blacked out for a minute. I shook him to wake him up and he started screaming about a "Principal Josephson" and how he swore he didn't know how his car got on the 50 yard line, and why he was duct-taped to the goalpost naked. He then muttered under his breath "F'ing Donna. never did give me my clothes back either. My lucky switchblade comb was in those pants". He then asked me if I could give him a ride down to the Mr. Hero on the corner. He was supposed to meet a lady friend there for a "lunch date". He had some expired coupons that he scratched the expiration date off of, in the hopes that he could convince them they really weren't expired. He smelled of beer, cigar, and pine tree air fresheners.

glittermom said...

He never did show for our luncheon date!


MOM!!!!!!!!! copax and i are laughing our asses off at work over that last comment!

also, i thought you had a date at subway with the young man who sold you the new toyota?

Mojito Libre said...

From the looks of that first picture, Dave Grohl really gets into his Holiday picture-taking...and ugly clothes. Those plaid pants give me an idea, though. Those are going to be part of my uniform (cut-offs, of course) for my St. Patty's Day match against Nueves Luches

Mojito Libre said...

Those plaid pants also remind me of grade school. The nurse always had a pair of plaid pants like that in her office for "emergencies". We called them the "pee pants".


pee pants? LOL!!!!!!

glittermom said...

and how many times did we have to wear the pee pants?