October 11, 2007

30 rock- more bossing!

my gosh, "30 rock" is just such a good show. i know, i've blogged and bossed folks to watch it in the past. i spent a long lunch break yesterday just reading some quotes from the show on wikiquote. you can read them here, or enjoy some of my favorites, cut and pasted below:

(Jenna and Liz are discussing actor Tracy Jordan.]
Liz: How you doin'?
Jenna: There is no way that I am working with that guy. Do you know that he once got arrested for walking naked through LaGuardia?
Liz: Yeah.
Jenna: And that he once fell asleep on Ted Danson's roof?
Liz: Yeah, Tracy has mental health issues.
Jenna: He bit Dakota Fanning on the face
Liz: When you hear his version, she was kinda askin' for it.

Tracy: Affirmative action was designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other to distract us while white dudes inject AIDS into our chicken nuggets.

Dr. Spaceman: [looking at an X-ray] Where are my car keys?
[Jack and Tracy enter his office.]
Dr. Spaceman: Jack! Tracy! What can I do for you?
Jack: We have a product we want you to give a medical endorsement to.
Dr. Spaceman: [excitedly] I'll do it! What is it?
Jack: It's called the Tracy Jordan Meat Machine. It's a dual-press grill.
Dr. Spaceman: Say no more. If it's giving people meat, then I'm on board. I've always said humans need more animal blood. It keeps their spine straight.
Jack: We appreciate it, Leo.
Dr. Spaceman: You boys need anything while you're here? [Spaceman is holding bottles of pills] Some reds? Some yellows? Just got some purples in from Peru.
Tracy: I'm good.
Jack: It would be rude not to take one or two
Jack: When I was your age, I was putting myself through college in Boston paddling swan boats for the tourists.
Kenneth: Is that a euphemism for some kind of sex worker?

Tracy: I love this cornbread so much, I want to take it behind a middle school, and get it pregnant

Jack: Lemon, I would like to teach you something. I would like to be Michelle Pfeiffer to your angry black kid who learns that poetry is just another way to rap.

Dr. Spaceman: There's not really a name for what Tracy has. Basically, it's erratic tendencies and delusions brought on by excessive notoriety, and certainly not helped by my wildly experimental treatments. [Laughs] Boy, I'm being awfully open with you, Miss. I should not have taken those blue things.

dr. spaceman is my favorite!!!!!

Dr. Leo Spaceman (last name pronounced "Spi-CHEM-in," except by Tracy, who pronounces it "Space-man") is Tracy Jordan's incompetent and unethical doctor who treats him with wildly experimental methods. In "The Rural Juror," it is revealed that Spaceman got his medical degree from the Ho Chi Minh City School of Medicine. During a phone call with Liz, Dr. Spaceman begins hitting on her and offers her drugs. Jack thinks that Dr. Spaceman is a fine doctor and also mentions that Spaceman is a "pretty good" dentist. Jack apparently uses Spaceman when he needs a doctor to endorse to a product. Dr. Spaceman's research on the effects of bread "eating away out your brain" cannot be completed because "the powerful Bread Lobby keeps stopping his research." He has always believed that humans need more animal blood; it keeps the spine straight. He has killed at least one dog In the episode "The Baby Show," Liz is seeking help with fertility and she calls the number under fertility in the Writers Guild health manual. Leo reveals that he is listed under fertility, meth addiction, and child psychology. He also reveals to Liz that he had a scuba diving accident that made it so that he can no longer impregnate.


Primordial Dork said...

Once, at the day care, Ms. Stokes the cook made cornbread just like that. I asked if I could put a candle in it and call it birthday cake.

It was just light and moist and ....aaaahhhghghghghh...

Anonymous said...

I love 30 Rock, but I keep forgetting to watch TV! I watched a few episodes of Dr. Phil and then I was afraid to turn the TV on for almost 2 whole weeks and slipped into a depression. Last night I watched "Seinfeld" for the first time in 2 weeks and that helped. TV time is just what the Dr. (Spaceman) ordered.


sds- i understand. i made a fruit smoothie that was so good, i wanted to marry my blender.

david- add some animal blood to keep your spine straight, and you'll be cured!

Primordial Dork said...

You HAVE obviously Tried the Crystal Meth.

These are the new shows that Henry and I predicatblly like.

Pushing Daisies

Devid said...

I love to Watch 30 Rock episodes.I have seen all the episodes of the show.The show which won three Emmy Awards has been a runaway hit and is definitely one of the best shows being aired currently.