July 30, 2007

ok, the final vacation pics, i swear!

check out groundcat's sweet ride (and the boys messing with my jeep)

jennette's new car in front of the barn, and the trip out to see the new weird well...

watch out for thorns!
a supposed injury, and the chicken coop...
it's green shorts/ black shorts day! and everyone in the nook...
the nook is packed and the dogs are in bandanas!

red hatted troll met a mysterious fate, and a cool bookstore (loganberry)

dogs get belly rubs and griffin hits someone new in the crotch

griffin spazzes out with dan's slipper

where did it go????


glittermom said...

are you sure thats all??? I bet not...

glittermom said...

and why does my hand look so freakeslly long?? and how do you spell freakesley?

Anonymous said...

Those aren't vacation pictures, just an old Sunday dinnefer. I'm going to have Sunday dinner at my place soon and everyone's going to have an F'ing blast!!

Anonymous said...


vivalarobot said...

i was injured as well but i don't see the picture of that. hmmm...i smell a conspiracy!!

Anonymous said...