October 10, 2006

random musings.......

we watched a really screwed up movie last night. "monkey shines" came out in the late 80's, and i know i've seen the box at the video store a million times. well, we rented it and it was nuts! you can read the wiki article i linked, or listen to my take on it....

to me, this was a classic boy meets girl (sexy, but vain brunette), gets run over by a truck, ends up in a wheelchair, grows a beard (because he's angry), loses girl, gets a monkey, finds a new blonde girl, shaves beard (and becomes "proud cripple"), becomes too attached to monkey, monkey is injected by goofy scientist with human brain cells and.... you get the idea!

it was a little dated and sometimes the acting cheesy, but it's a good one! especially when the monkey hugs the wheelchair guy, and later on when he has surgery and...yeah, you need to rent this one!

in other news: glittermom informs me that jerry lewis is guest starring on law & order as a homeless guy accused of raping a mother and daughter. he already creeps the hell out of me, so this should be the final nail in that coffin. i wonder if he'll ever release his infamous film starring himself as a clown at auschwitz???

also, i will do more research into my new favorite cable channel (the one i have dubbed "the asian crying channel".) i'll see if i can find some good youtube footage!

and finally, i am looking for opinions on the differences between guys and girls when they are sick. not that this has anything to do with me and groundcat being sick all weekend with massive head colds. no, not at all! but my mom wasn't the first person to point out to me that men are babies when it comes to being sick. opinions???


glittermom said...

this movie appears to be right up your alley...Wheel chairs and monkeys...You were in your glory with your broken leg when you got the wheel chair and your peeps took you to the mall..a fast and furious ride....No monkey though...


yes, i was a proud cripple. and if you really loved me, you would have gotten me a monkey too!

i do have fond memories about rachel and jennette pushing me all over the mall going 100mph. it was especially nice when they loaded me down with all their shopping bags!

Primordial Dork said...

I think I was notoriously unhelpful then. It's totally understandable that a WALL FALLING ON YOU was the sign that you did not belong on Damning Avenue in Clownbus Ohio, though.

I think it's well understood that men are horrible babies when sick. Or a little tired. I find that admonishing them to suck it the ef up is the best, most loving recourse.

I'm not angry chore girl. I love chores and get upset when they don't adhere to my projected timelines, or stuff like life and recreation intrude.

But I'm an angry sick. I get petulant and pretend I'm not. And I keep the cat I'm violently allergic to until my face swells shut. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh the wheelchair mall trip.
If I recall it was also snowing, and was almost impossible to push you thru the sludge in the parking lot. Didn't we have an event at the gas statino too, the pump was frozen??? Men definately seem to become very dependant and sissy-like when they are sick. I remember my dad (big, strong, blue collar factory worker) would turn into a whining 3 yr old when he got sick. Constantly doing the fake coughing. It was actually quite entertaining.


well stac, you were 3 hours away, so not much you could do to be helpful! besides, you and henry came to the hospital and brought me that stuffed animal, a baby monkey, that hung from my bed all week and amused the nurses!

as far as men being bigger babies when sick, dan was the one to first mention it the other day. and i have to say he actually hasn't been more of a whiner then me, with us both being sick. of course the last time he was sick with a sinus infection i remember him answering the door for lisa ann & i using a cane. and he has mentioned he might be dying more then once this week...

yeah, maybe men are more melodramatic when sick!

duchessdoright said...

The Auschwitz clown? Jesus Christ. What is wrong with that guy? He's insane, like everyone was back then.

I'm a giant baby when I'm sick, but being female I tend to suck it up. I think women are better at "manning up" than men. Go figure.