July 28, 2008

weekend wrap up....

the weekend was fun. i worked from home a little, we went to my mom's and jennette gave us our wedding gift. go over the art gallery to check it out.

i think jennette is the breakout "outsider artist" of the family!!!

scroll down on this old post to see jennette's famous pre-school pics.

also: click here to have a giggle. it's safe for work, as long as it's ok for you to giggle/snort at your desk.

ok, that's all i got!!!!!!!!


copaX said...

Wow..that's an amazing piece of art!

glittermom said...

I notice the mom stands around with her hands on her hips...Oh wait, thats me...

Jen said...

that mom also has scary glasses that change colors in the sunlight. creepy...

glittermom said...

So you can't see where I am looking..

Primordial Dork said...

Jennette, Ana and I all have the same color of toenail polish.

I know those ain't Jennifer Hearn feet 'cause them toes ain't crooked little toe dot toes.