June 13, 2008

fyi- my cell phone ain't working. (see above pic.) it's drying out now, but i don't know if it can be saved. i think i need to calm down, mellow out, and lay off the starbucks.


copaX said...

nahhh, you're fine. More caffeine and stimulants!!!

Mojito Libre said...

That looks awesome! Nice Fail-Job!

You should've topped it off with some whipped cream and used the straw to drink straight from the cup holder. God knows, Starbucks costs more than gasoline.

copaX said...


Mojito Libre said...


Mojito Libre said...

Hey, you ever get the feeling that we're the only ones on this here blog?

copaX said...

Sometimes, but then I just make fun of jennifer and I feel better

Mojito Libre said...

She actually takes the "fun" out of "making fun" of her sometimes, especially with posts like this one.

Of course, this is coming from a guy who was involved in a Looney Tunes-esque Air Conditioner injury to the head, so it's all relative.

copaX said...

Hey, I'm not one to talk. I think I'm the only person ever to break their leg in high school marching band.

Mojito Libre said...

It could've been worse. You could have broken your leg in the Matholympics.

And, no. I was not in the Matholympics...my IQ dips down to Slingblade level when I'm asked anything mathematical.

copaX said...

took up to calc 3 in college, and I have trouble calculating a tip now

wow..we've totally gone off topic here

Mojito Libre said...

I studied Literature because I was told there would be no math.

Where do I work now?? In the IT dept. of an accounting firm. I work in the perfect storm of numbers.

And spilt coffee...back to the topic at hand...

copaX said...

wow, dude you got pwned

Mojito Libre said...

Yes I did.

However, if any techies try to trip me up with numbers...I just present them with an essay on the nuances of man in his most primitive state. They then scratch their heads and continue discussing parabolas or tetrahedrons or whatever it is programmers talk about...

Waaait a second. You're a programmer, aren't you??

copaX said...

kinda sorta. technically I'm a pseudo-pointy haired manager, but since I'm running out of people to manage I'm coding again.

But it's cool, I'm one of the "normal" programmers, don't worry.

Mojito Libre said...

That kinda sounds like a place I used to work with. We had many "Managers of None". Our org chart looked very similar to an Alabama Family Tree, straight down and no roots.

copaX said...

I'm a manager of 3, one of which I'm losing for a month due to some spinal surgery, so then I'll be a manager of 2. Woah! Crap! I just did math!


mojito & chris:

1. have either of you considered putting this much time and effort into your own blogs??? hhhmmm.... something to think about!

2. have either of you considered that you are a match made in blog heaven? if you switched teams you would make a lovely couple. or maybe BFFs foreva!

3. my cell phone was beyond repair so i had to get a blackberry with the internets. i had to just to keep up with these blog comments.

copaX said...

1. I've made 6 blog posts in the 3 days since you bitched at me to blog some more. Have you thought about putting this much time and effort into reading my blog?

2. Please oh please, will you stop trying to make me gay. I like the ladies and the ladies only.

3. bet they had to twist your arm pretty hard to do that.

Mojito Libre said...


1. If we went off and blogged on our own sites, you wouldn't have any friends.
2. I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
3. I'm surprised you didn't buy an iPhone. You know, since it's made by Apple and all.

Whitey said...

Chris, Sorry about the manager of 3 thing. It's got to suck to lose so many people. And I'm all for your rebelling against Jenn's attempts to make you gay. I spent an hour in a car with you once and that would just be weird!

Jen, You sould get a black-berry. No matter how hard I try, I can't drown, shatter, lose, or feed it to my dog. I think they employ witch-doctors...

Primordial Dork said...

Jennifer: What are you doing with my nonfat sugar free latte?

Mojito: I'm fixin to kill you widit. Mmmm-hmmm.