February 5, 2008

status quo....

i'm still sorting my candy

griffin is still cute as hell

but cleo doesn't think he should be allowed on the couch.
i want things to be nice and quiet. dan pointed out that within the first month of 2008 i:
  • changed jobs
  • had a bday
  • bought a new car
  • filmed a tv appearance (talking about incredibly personal issues)
so yeah, i want a few months of boring, quiet, nothing!!!! i want to lay around the house in PJs, watch tv and be bored. i want to blog about favorite sandwiches or why billy joel should get more respect. silly and mundane, that's the them for the next few months!
can i "boss" my life to become boring? this is a question for the great minds of our generation.......


copaX said...

first off, you changed jobs out of your own free will, so scratch that.

secondly, it's a birthday. c'mon. scratch that.

thirdly, you bought a new car. I'll give you that one, but you knew when your lease was coming up, so it's not like your jeep crapped out on you and were forced to buy a car.

fourthly, filmed a tv appearance. You get a point for that.

So technically, I'll give you 1 and a half points out of 4 towards "My life was crazy and out of control this month"

No, you can't boss your life to become boring. But you can enjoy it for the melange that it is, rather than poking and prodding it.

glittermom said...

you have to sort your candys by color so you have the same amt of each color left as you eat them...saving the best one for last...usually the red...

Anonymous said...

sorting candy...um, is that anything like not leaving the last lonely cherrio in the bowl a-l-o-n-e, so you keep adding more so he/she won't be lonely? just wondering.

love the new car.


mom- you are totally right! and yes, red is best and saved for last!

seemeruthsee- that's an interesting point you bring up. i am totally OCD about food and beverages. i've never been an "adder" though. more just a "sorter". although i will say that i have a hard time not cleaning my plate, or leaving 1 of something behind.

copax- i am going to have to outright disagree with you on the "scratch that"! bday are super stressful sometimes. i've never enjoy mine. and just because i chose to take a new job, doesn't mean it's not super stressful!

but i do like the last line, about enjoying my life for the "melange" (is that some sort of soufflé?) it is and not over-examining it.


copaX said...

I never claimed that they weren't stressful, you just tried to make it seem like you weren't in control and wanted to "boss life to being quiet" You were in control of 2 and a half out of the 4 of those, so you gotta make sure you can boss yourself into allowing yourself to have quiet times.

Sorry, I still can't give you the birthday being super stressful. I'm gonna need some evidence as to what kinds of things are outside of your control that are stressful on your birthday.

And a melange is a random mixture, or a medley of different things. And that's what life is, a random mixture of happy times, slow times, and stressful times.