January 14, 2008

it's monday and i'm random again...

triskets & pepper jack cheese = yummy snack & a good breakfast too!

the new linda thompson album is amazing. she's only had a few solo albums since breaking up with richard thompson, but this new one is brilliant. there's a song called, "ladies shouldn't drive nice cars" that gives me goosebumps. go to amazon and find the album "versatile hearts" and listen to a clip of "nice cars". i boss you.

the weekend went by way too fast. i cleaned the house and bought some clothes on sale. i wanted to find something nice for this upcoming tv interview.

speaking of the interview, i started going through photo albums this weekend, looking for good "before" pics (when i was at 300 pounds) and the skinny pics (when i was at my lowest weight, around 150.) sadly, most photos of me include something inappropriate. a middle finger, a glass of wine, a silly face, etc..... i think i finally found a few good fatty pics and a decent skinny pic, and once i scan them i'll put them here. maybe y'all can help me decide which ones to give to the health reporter!

oh wait, you're the same folks who loaded my comments section with hideous and insane ideas for the interview. someone just recommended "rubber fishing pant" in the comments!!! yeah, i think i'll pick my own photos! ha ha ha!!!

a work related question- is it easy to vpn in to my work machine (windows based) from home on the iMac? i think groundcat already does this, so i'll pick his brain, but i was wondering if anyone knew of easy programs or methods to vpn in on different OSs.

ok, no time to add links. don't be lazy, wiki the stuff your own damn selves! i'll add a recent photo and be done with this. (another pic of me and groundcat, i know, boring. but i was single for so many years, and then dated folks who didn't like to be photographed. so now that i am happy and in love with a real "ham", i need to enjoy it!)


copaX said...

why would the before picture being inappropriate be a bad thing? wouldn't you want to make yourself look worse before, and better after? or actually worse before, extra worse because of the surgery complications, and then an after after where you're standing in a beam of light, and doves are surrounding you

glittermom said...

I think she means some of her CHarlton pictures , etc as the bad choices....

copaX said...

oh, and fyi, they're called Triscuits...unless you've been buying them from a bum in the alley behind Walgreen's and they come in a brown paper bag with the word "TRISKETS" written on it in crayon with one of the S's backwards and they smell of tobacco, bad milk, and anti-fungal foot spray.

copaX said...

oh also, you're asking us for help getting a VPN setup...does this new place not have an IT department? if they do, you do realize those people get paid to answer your tech questions, right?

glittermom said...

I think she does buy her "Triskets"in a brown paper bag..Hence the bad smelling, I mean spelling...but you have to know she never won any spelling bees either...

Groundcat said...

i did buy those Triskets from a man by Walgreens. I think his name was Frank or Hank? He kept mumbling something about Nabisco adding microchips to their crackers. he smelled of rubber cement and cilantro.

great krackers!

Primordial Dork said...

Mmmmm, rubber cement and cilantro.
Sounds like my kind of man. Does he also deliver holiday greetings via Sharpie on Bum?

Cause that's irresistible.

glittermom said...

Uncle Tank? selling Triskets?

Mojito Libre said...

Hey, don't bust on me for trying to hold a part-time job. The income I make from selling those crakkers helps me pay for my ever expanding antique toothpick collection.

BTW, I use the rubber cement for body and the cilantro is for flair. Yeah, it makes me smell like an Argentinian huffer, but the customers demand top "quality".

Mojito Libre said...

GG...as far as the vpn access: You're using a Mac. Doesn't it "just work"?

ha ha ha.

/yes. I own an iPod now. And I don't think I have any hatred towards Apple. So don't flame me for the comment :)