January 11, 2008

i have lost control of my blog!

here's a great image i found on a random google search. anyone who can guess what i typed in the search engine to produce this wins a prize. (by prize i mean something laying around my house that i don't use, like an old lighter or something.)

my blog sabbatical obviously didn't work, and i am getting more comments on recent posts then ever. serious comments about the weightloss surgery crap and a few funny comments (like 20 or so) that have me laughing my ass off at work. i don't know how my big decision about doing the news story ended up with uncle tank and howard cosell trading biscuit recipes! only here would that happen.....

oh yeah, i learned a very important lesson last night. golden monkey beer and social networking websites are not a good combo. i did a form of internet "drunk dialing" and left crazy comments on all sorts of people's facebooks and myspace sites. awesome!!!!

in other news, i LOVE sesame sticks! i've loved them since i was a little kid and my grandparents got a box from that store at the mall that sold cheese and meats. what the hell was the name of the store??? they had them in all the malls, and i cannot remember the name. but i loved those sesame sticks! those and a nice orange julius shake were the best combo. anyways, they are my new (old) favorite snack, and not totally unhealthy.

i got the funniest bday gifts from groundcat's mom. not intentionally funny. she tried to order my gifts from my amazon wish list (on the left side of this very blog, in case anyone wants to buy me stuff!) but she ended up at some other girl's wish list with my name! so the first package arrived and it was a film (ruby gentry) that seemed like an odd choice... but i didn't want to say anything and be rude! there was a book of info on old films, that seemed interesting. then yesterday i got the final package. it was a book titled "genealogy for the lowlands of north carolina: the hessa family edition". we were so confused! so we called her last night, and asked if there was some hidden theme to the gifts. she explained she just picked them from my wish list and we realized she had order them from some other girl's list. we laughed really hard. i wonder how difficult it will be to ship them back? some girl is going to think she's getting them as a gift. what a lame wish list. she needs to add some books about pink kittens and crap!

i thought i had more to say...but it's been a long day. my brain is pretty much fried. i am digging the new job, but definitely ready for the weekend. ciao!


Whitey said...

Enjoy your weekend, BTW, it's looking like we will have some time to have you and your man over at the end of this month. You still up for some Thai food?

Anonymous said...

Do you mean Hickory Farms?


white-stuff, yes, i am up for thai food!!! do you do a decent peanut sauce? i love that stuff.

anthony cartouche- you ROCK!!! hickory farms is it!!!! you win! not sure what the prize is yet. how about and invite for dinner? i'll make my famous chilli and groundcat will get in the antique wheelchair, now THAT's a PRIZE!

rachel said...

Did you type in "scarf" and received that strange pic?


ah, i love saying this....

rachel, you are WRONG!

he he he.....

rachel said...

J-E-N-N-I-F-E-R.... I'm very disappointed. :o) I guess it has to happen every once in a while. So.....what was the damn word?!!


2 words: random & weird (kinda like me!)
