March 18, 2007


this giant puppy is only 6 weeks old! we met him at dan's mom's house and he belongs to the nieghbors. he's a st. bernard and i wanted to steal him and bring him home...


Whitey said...

Don't these dogs get upwards of 200 pounds? I remember seeing one at a campground once and he was an absolute beast!

I saw a special on the Discovery channen that included a good bit about St. Bernards. They said that they are VERY gentle with children and people.

Everytime I see a puppy I want anther one, but it's not really fair to my wife. For a while, every time she saw a baby, she wanted one...

Anonymous said...

Looks like your wife won that battle Tim!

glittermom said...

You do remember the bad experience you had as a child with a St Bernard?? Cause I know you love slobber....

glittermom said...

I think that dog may have a head bigger than yours...If thats possible...


timmy! (i mean whitey!) you need more puppies and babies until that house is packed!

zak- i can't believe i have to use my own photos on my blog. when are you going to upload some new pics for me to steal?

mom- the dog's header is bigger then mine, but it it bigger then dan's large melon???


Primordial Dork said...

My sister and Brother-in-Law have a wheaten terrier, a minature pinscher, a farm mutt, and a Blue Great Dane that can stand two feet above me by putting its' paws on my shoulders. He's really nice, but Ana is terrified of him, she calls him "That Pony."

Anonymous said...

i want a dog as big as a pony! just no slobber please... my mom mentioned an "incident" i had as a kid with a st. bernard. well, i was playing with the giant dog and have a good old time (or is it olde thyme, jennette?) anyways, i was playing and stopped to look down and my kickass garanimals outfit (out pink and orange combo) was covered in dog slobber!

oh, the memory..... yuk!

do they still make garanimals?

Primordial Dork said...

Yes, they do still make Garanaimals, but they fall apart, are really badly made, and only jive ass honky kids wear them.