December 5, 2006

i decided to stay at my current job and turn down the job offer at the new place. so no working only 40 hours per week, wearing jeans to work, or working with a dog in the office! why would i choose to stay at a job that i've been bitching about for months? a job that requires i work on saturdays? why?
well, it's not just the money, although i am getting a raise to stay. it's the fact that i really like my coworkers, and even my evil boss. and i am going to get to start doing the work that i really enjoy soon. i am kind of excited to stay on this project for another year and see it go out into the world.
i know there will be days i regret this decision, like those saturdays when i have to drag myself in, but i feel good about the decision and hope it was the right one. thanks to everyone for listening to me, giving me advice and being all supportive and stuff.
here's a clip from my favorite show. this boss makes mine look almost sane!

1 comment:

Whitey said...

I feel ya, because I liked the people at my last job (most of them anyway), but leavign to go to Schwab was an awesome decission. I just got hired on full-time so I'm an officialy Schwaby now and I love it.

Good luck and Merry Christmas.