April 19, 2006

more bunnies on the blog!!!!!!!!

"mama, can we keep mr. bunny? pleeeeaaase?????"
"no george. you won't remember to take care of him and i'll end up feeding him and cleaning his cage!"
"please, i wanna keep mr. bunny! i will hug him and squeeze him and call him george!!!"
"but george, that's your name."
"oh.....i thought my name was incompetent asshole? anyways, please let me keep him! he's so pretty and furry and i think he's got a head full of jelly beans! i'm gonna hit him with a nu-clear bomb and get me some jelly beans!!!"

p.s. speaking of easter, my photo album is updated with some pics of our creepy easter at david's....


Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, I just picked up a magnet that has a picture of Mr. Bush with the saying "A village in Texas has lost it's idiot"

Anonymous said...

"I thought my name was incompetent asshole"?!

Holy Moley, that made me laugh so hard, right out loud, right in front of the GD boss - who, coincidentally, is also named "incompetent asshole." Go figure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi it's Selena. My mom wanted me to let you know that she won't be at work tomorrow because, well, she had a fight with the pavement and the pavement won. She was giving me a piggy back ride and next thing I know it's 2 am and we've spent 5 hours at the ER and she's had x-rays and a catscan. They were worried about her jaw. All in all, she doesn't look super pretty and she's bruised with an owie mouth, but it's nothing excessively fatally serious. Don't freak. --Selena


wow, that's my 2nd good "lisa" friend landing in the hospital within 1 week.....

all you lisa's....be careful!

Primordial Dork said...

I know your invalid visiting schedule is packed but Update Your Bog, as a famous misspeller once said, uh, wrote....