February 3, 2006

IYGYROS and webdings and google image search......

i have a very random list of topics to cover today. it's going to be stream of consciousness, so here goes!

i learned a new acronym at work. WCGW. means "what could go wrong". it's an common accounting term i guess. but i've decided to apply it to my life. what could go wrong? oh, the list is HUGE! but i will save that for another day. i did a google image search for WCGW and got the tiny little image above. you make kitty scared!

i had a recent OCD meltdown. the bulb in my fridge went out. for some reason the darkness made me think the food was going bad and that somehow the fridge was actually not working. i could hear the motor running and the light in the freezer was on, but in my crazy head the fridge was somehow "too warm". i was convinced the food was going bad. i kept opening the door and feeling the temp of the bottled water. i swore things smelled rotten. so finally i solved the problem by turning the thermostat in the fridge to its coldest setting. everything froze overnight, but i can now at least eat the food from the dark fridge. yes, i am nuts. it was like a bad episode of "monk".

also, i am never going to lose weight. between matt's his deep fryer and the new diner opening across the street with it's posters of gyros, i am doomed.

quote of the day: "people aren't chocolates. do you know what they are mostly? bastards. bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings." (dr. cox, scrubs)



Primordial Dork said...

You know Forrest was retarded. Because most boxes of chocolates have an effing diagram on the lid.

Life is like a box of chocolates, so read the goddamn instructions and don't end up with your mouth full of garbage.

Primordial Dork said...

You know Forrest was retarded. Because most boxes of chocolates have an effing diagram on the lid.

Life is like a box of chocolates, so read the goddamn instructions and don't end up with your mouth full of garbage.

Primordial Dork said...

You know Forrest was retarded. Because most boxes of chocolates have an effing diagram on the lid.

Life is like a box of chocolates, so read the goddamn instructions and don't end up with your mouth full of garbage.

Primordial Dork said...

Delete! Delete!


hahahaha!!!!! there's something wrong with blogger.com and the comments. my mom had a double post yesterday.

but i don't want to delete. i like see that little pic of you and henry over and over...


tlm said...

Nah, don't read... Just squish each chocolate with your finger to see what's inside.

Anonymous said...

Or stick your finger in the bottom so no one can see.....