now i know my sense of fashion is a bit off, and 1/2 the time i can't even get it together to put on makeup in the morning, but stir-up pants?!?!?!?! french-braided hair with a big white scrunchie??? members only jackets???? unless you're doing it to be ironic or it's halloween, cut that shit out.
Why haven't you called the fashion police????
Hey Charlton...my sister called...she's pissed as hell and wants to know how you got pictures of her entire wardrobe for your blog.
I never did understand the high-waisted peg leg pants. Jeans that make your arse look like the state of New Mexico have no potential of flattering you, no matter how little you might be underneath them.
Oh...and BTW:
STIRRUP. noun. A metal loop, suspended by a strap, to support the foot while riding.
STIR-UP. Another crazy word made up by Charlton.
Pretty soon you'll have your entirely own language...kind of like a Furby....
mag's, you are dead meat! dead meat i tell ya! wait til i see you next. maybe i'll stop over sunday after my mom's, just to beat the ever-lovin' shit outta ya!!!!!!
i'm gonna STIR your damn face UP!!!
yeah, i know that doesn't actually make sense....
So much for sweet and proper Little Miss Vegan - let's save all of the wretched, stinky quadrupeds in the world and eat tree bark...all this horrific talk of dead meat. At you I scoff.
Besides, if you give me any shit, I'll kick you square in your metal ankle, spit in your great big pie-eye and run away laughing back in your general direction....
P.S. As soon as I'm done typing this, I will be flipping you off, bilaterally. :o)
P.S.S. If one were to be proper, it would read "stir your DAMNED face up." Word to your muh-thuh.
Jennifer is always stirring up something......hence "stir-up"..
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