December 10, 2005

this is from my mom: "How many people are eaten by animals in 1 YEAR? Americans eat more than 1 Million animals an HOUR....How do we justify this?"

my friends and family LOVE animals. we live with dogs and cats who sleep in our beds. we know that they feel emotions. so how do we eat meat? here's what i think: if you want a nice steak, before you eat it, think about where it came from. think about the cow being born, maybe bonding with its mom (if it wasn't taken away to be veal.) think about someone putting a nail threw its head. think about how scared the cow must have been seeing the other cows being killed. think about all that before you eat that steak.

i have a challenge: let's all stop eating meat. stop NOW. i am pledging to not buy meat starting today. i've got a few lean cuisines and some chicken thawing, so after that i never buy meat again. not at the grocery or restaurants. and if someone makes me dinner, i don't eat meat just because i didn't buy it. and i will gradually cut back on eggs and cheese. because those animals that produce dairy products do not have good lives.

and by becoming a vegetarian, i can now freely lecture folks like my friend "UC freak"!!!

morgan spurlock has a point with his "supersize me" film. and get this: "Spurlock's current project is a television program called 30 Days. In each episode, a person spends thirty days immersing him or herself in a mode of life markedly different from their norm (working at Wal-Mart, being in prison, etc.), while Spurlock discusses the relevant social issues involved. FX began airing the show on June 15, 2005. In the premiere episode, "Minimum Wage," Spurlock and his fiancée lived for thirty days in the Bottoms neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio earning minimum wage, with no access to outside funds."

i got miles (my last dog) from the bottoms in columbus!!! it's a really depressing area, along the river, where people live in crumbling houses or shacks. when i went to choose a puppy, i almost fell through the front porch!

when i lived with stacy and henry, miles and henry bonded. they were great friends. we made hot dogs for dinner, and when stacy asked henry if he wanted a hot dog, henry started crying. we asked what was wrong and he said, "i don't want to eat miles!!!" i think the kid had a good point.


Anonymous said...

Well I talked to Jennifer today while she was at the mall eating her CHicken sandwich...maybe tomorrow will be no meat day...

Anonymous said...

Charlton...I have seen you and how you wiggle and bob and squirm in your chair while you are eating rare filet with bleu cheese and basil. Who in the bloody hell do you think you're kidding?! And if that's the case, are you going to give up your leather coat and shoes and purse? Because last time I checked, mammals do NOT shed their skins like lizards. You need to put that GD Smiths record away and get back to work. Give up meat. Sweet mother of pearl. That's the most preposterous thing I've seen come out of you yet. I think you need to start wearing rubber gloves when you clean, because the spic and span has gone to your brain.

Anonymous said...

Heh... I love my mom. Exactly!

I'm sad I won't see you Friday, for I must go to Columbus with Dylan's possy for Christmas. Oh, and by the way, my Mom told me she asked you what you wanted when you came over, and you said "Meat!"