December 19, 2005

i'm still home sick. this cold has knocked me on my ass. but i am going to work tomorrow, no matter what! i am going on my 3rd jumbo box of puff's (with lotion of course) since friday. this being sick business is complete BS!

last night was a classic jennifer scene. the night before i decided to try and take some extra antibiotics i had laying around from when griffin had kennel cough. as i type this i am giggling at how ridiculous that sounds. but they are normal human medicine, and i was wanting to take care of these ear infections without having to go to the doctor. suffice to say i had an allergic reaction and my face and neck turned into a bright red mask. i took benedryl and it finally calmed down.

so last night i was bored. i've been cooped up in thie house since friday. so i was goofing around with the silver xmas tree and some vintage xmas lights i found at goodwill. they were in perfect shape and seemed to never have been taken from the box. i was plugging in strands and tightening bulbs when one sort of exploded. and then all the lights went out in my entire apartment (except for 1 small nightlight.)

i checked with the mccoy's upstairs and they had power. we checked the breakers in the basement and they were all set to "on", and the fuses looked ok, although one looked slightly dark in 1 area. it was almost 10pm and i was sneezing and hacking. i started to get dressed, figuring i needed to replace the fuse.

then the genius girl who can cope with anything kicked in. i noticed the night light was plugged into a 3 prong socket. i dug out the 3 prong heavy extension cord for the AC and was able to get the fridge plugged in, so i didn't have to worry about food going bad. the heat was still on, so i decided i could stick it out til morning.

i fired up the laptop (battery lasts for about 3 hours). took the power cord from that and plugged it in the other working 3 prong socket. i had a desk light in the kitchen and made a snack. got the boombox and put on late night jazz show. i was sitting at my laptop chatting with matt, snacking on brie and fancy crackers with a nice glass of merlot, all by candlelight (and computer glow.) it as quite lovely! and yes, a bit ridiculous....

(ok, i don't have a pic to include, so i'll do a random image search and find something to go with the theme of ridiculous.)


Anonymous said...

Oh boy!!!

Anonymous said...

'Ello dingbat. Did you ever figure out why your lights went out? Is it fixed? Are you now, literally (for once), in the dark?
Why are you going back to work? Aren't you closed starting thursday anyway? Sit back. You should have a couple bucks saved up.
I have a new quote. Please, please put something new.
"I can't get along little doggie,
I can't even get one that's small,
I can't get along little doggie,
No I can't get a doggie at all"
-Bugs Bunny


under cover freak- that's the quote of the century, so you're going to have to wait a while to see it change.

i am dragging myself in to work tomorrow and wednesday. i have tons of stuff to catch up on before the break.

i will says this cold/flu whatever the hell it is i've got is BAD. day 4 and i'm still sick.

as for the lights, who knows. mike and i both checked all the breakers, but magic rachel was able to get this lights on this am.

tis a holiday miracle!!!

Anonymous said...

You don't believe in the holidays, you pagan. Maybe a Winter Solstice miracle? Or maybe she turned it all off as a joke??

Primordial Dork said...

I hope Rachel reminded you that "vintage" and "electrical" go together like "used" and "surgery bandages"!

