December 17, 2005

fuck you, ya bossy hair dryer tag! yeah, i removed you! that's how i roll!!!!

i've been home sick since friday. bad cold/ sore throat. it's complete bullshit and i am not happy about it AT ALL.

a word of advice: if you have a can of hairspray that resembles a can of air freshener, don't keep them next to each other in the wicker basket on top of your toliet. you might get them mixed up. i mean, i would never do anything as stupid as spraying my hair with lysol! jennette asked me to write about it on my blog. she doesn't want the kids out there to make the same tragic mistake she did.


Anonymous said...

yah we know you would never do such a dumb thing now would you....or have this about you? are you blaming poor tiny little Jennette(formally know as big bad kid)

Anonymous said...

I bet you took the tag off your mattress and pillows too? Didn't you? I'm calling the tag police...


any time a tag bosses me to do something, i do the opposite. i'm a rebel!!! i live on the edge!!!!

Anonymous said...

you, you, tag remover you.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jennette was disinfecting her hair?? OCD queen, I could see you start doing that, now that you know it is an option. I would stop mocking, before you are singing about it every morning. Lysol, smysol, disinfecting my hair!!!!