October 8, 2005

ok kiddies, listen up.......

for those of you who don't know this already, there's a rule in life. and that rule is simple: you are not allowed to physically harm someone. you are not allowed to hit, kick, stab, shove, or punch anyone. not your wife, your dog, the person who calls you a horrible name. not the guy who hits on your girlfriend, or the girlfriend who takes him up on the offer and cheats.

oh yeah, and stop hitting your kids. it doesn't work. it just hurts and scares them. be a real parent and figure out a better way to get them to listen to you. how does violence teach a child anything?

ok, are we clear? besides self-defense, there is no reason on this earth to use a hand, shoe, gun or knife, on anyone, ever.



hhmmmm.....maybe we can make an exception for spammers.....

Primordial Dork said...

Yes, I think so. I remember the quaint line my grandama used to say-

Never hit a spammer in the face
God Provides a better place

Except she said baby instead of spammer.

Times have changed and I think for the better. My mom would hit us open handed in the face for any slight offense, especially being smartmouthed. That's how I think I learned to insult people so concisely. The stun must endure while you run, as Johnnie Cochran would say.

All that did was give me a terrible rage and temper too. Things have been thrown at other adults in my time. Ones I was married to. That's no good either.

Primordial Dork said...

Wow. I forgot all about the Ping Pong Paddle. And "Pick Your Own Switch."

Those were fun games too. For those who were not beaten as children, a switch is a stick you go pick out from a tree to be whipped with. Thick ones bruise and thin ones open skin and welt like a whip.

I did not get into much trouble worthy of that, but I got the Slap in the Mouth quite regularly.


once my mom chased me with a wooden spoon. ah.....good times!