October 10, 2005

news flash: i'm weird!

the person who prompted the post below is pissed at me. i've know him since he started dating my friend 20 years ago. he's been my friend all these years. we've been through so much. and now that my friend is staying with me, he's full of rage. he called last night and when i wouldn't give him some info, he blew up.

he called me a whore and a bitch. and then he said this: "ya know jen, all these years i've know you, i've always thought you were weird. just really fucking weird!" i actually laughed and said, "wow, that's some real news flash!" then i told him i loved him (because i do) and hung up.

i've been through this with other friends. i've been threatened by boyfriends and husbands. i've seen the bruises and i've seen them go back. and i understand why they go back. this time it's hard because the abuser is also a friend. he's not a bad person, just lost and confused, and he needs help.

so yeah, i'm weird. i think rodeo monkeys are funny (and a little scary. look how stern that little monkey looks!) i do housework in fairy wings sometimes. i paint my nails blue and put my dogs in clothes. big deal! if that's the worst you can come up with, i'll take it.


Primordial Dork said...

Take the oath of Matthew Seesholtz, bub!

You are so weird for keeping your friends safe. Resorting to fisticuffs, now that's levelheaded and traditional, like race hatred and ethnic cleansing.


ah yes....do they ever take the oath? it's now 2 close friends in about a month getting assaulted by supposed "loved ones".

like i said, i'm cool with being weird. at least i can say i don't hit and shove the people i love. or the people i hate for that matter!

Anonymous said...

after you mentioned the little monkey's stern face, i went back to look and that thing scared the shit outta me!! tha t monkey means bizzness!