i just wanted to ask you to stop picking on starbucks. i see the commercials where you imply that people who drink starbucks feel the need to wear itchy sweaters, glasses, watch forgeign films, etc... so now you're offering "McCafé" lattes and cappicianos. F that noise! i tried one of your lattes and it sucked. stick to brewing that wonderful, plain old morning coffee and stop with the baristas.

i think the mermaid and the clown can be friends. read the article that promoted this letter here. let's stop the madness!!!
What do you expect from a clown..
why is there always drama surrounding coffee? there's drama about who's supposed to make it, when it's supposed to be made, how it's made, what it's made with, how hot it is, how cold it is.
that's the noise that needs to be f'ed, in my opinion
Coffee is a hot item now-a-days...
chris- i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that.
and for the record, i take my starbucks different temperatures depending on the season.
in winter i get a triple grande latte, skinny cinnamon dolce, 2 packs of splenda.
in summer i get an iced quad latte, skinny vanilla, 3 packs of splenda and a dash of nutmeg.
and we care because?
Just let her talk. It keeps the demons at bay...
"What? I'm supposed to drink this coffee hot??"
/1 internet awarded to those that get the reference.
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