July 1, 2008

weekend non-tom waits pics


copaX said...

Who needs new-fangled technology like cell phones or voice mail, when you can write a hand-written note with a stuffed animal sitting on it?

copaX said...

btw, my comment wasn't intended to be sarcastic. I saw that and thought it was a really unique idea

Jen said...

yeah, modern technology doesn't work when the person you're calling forgets their cell phone.

it was funny, trying to figure out what to do. we wrote the note and dan found the monkey in my glove box.

doesn't everyone have a pink monkey in their glovebox?

Mojito Libre said...

I missed that picture the first time. That's awesome. Of course, in my cynical nature, I probably wouldn't do something like that because I'd expect a bum to come along and wipe his arse with it or something...

glittermom said...

Is that Big Chief and Little Chief?