January 7, 2008

short sabbatical

"it’s like raaaaiiinnn on your wedding day, it’s like saying your taking a week sabbatical from your blog, then blogging anyway!!!!"

but it’s my blog and i can do what i want! plus, i have crap to actually write about today, so step off! besides, how could i NOT blog with anthony cartouche mentioning me on his blog (including a swell photo!) so, onto the blogging!!!!

i’m really excited about lisa ann’s brother’s band. they are called "tough and lovely" and they are up here playing the beachland all the time. i saw them once and they kicked ass. i’ve known andy since he was in high school, and we got to be close friends when he moved to columbus to attend OSU. so i’m real excited that his band is featured in a BWM ad. here’s a link to see the commercial, go check it out!!!

groundcat and i continue to be mesmerized by the new features in photo booth on the iMac. he shares my love of making oneself look as hideous and freakish as possible. we’ll have lots more horrible photos to post in the coming days.

i got some cool b-day stuff, including starbucks gift card and itunes. we ordered a bunch of itunes last night, including one song by kahimi karie, who I am know obsessed with. she’s a japanese shibuya-kei singer. The music is like a combo of french pop music, breathy vocals and lounge music. she's like a kitten!

as for the new job, day 4 is here and it’s okey dokey. my desk is all decked out in pink crap and a weird fairytale calendar groundcat helped me pick up. photos of dogs and groundcats are now on my desk and a big bowl of candy, so all is well in the world of glitter.

the work itself is interesting and i am having fun "playing doctor". it’s software for doctor’s to keep patient records (all on computer, no paper files anymore!) the way i am learning how to use the software is to make myself a doctor (dr. hunter s. thompson is my user name- LOL) and then create files for pretend patients. some testers use generic data like “dr. smith” and patients names like “patient 123”. of course i don't do that. no, i create patients named after my dog (griffin magalotti) or famous authors (ernest hemminway was in my office for acute alcohol withdrawal last week!) poor griffin was given an enema, numerous shots, and electroshock therapy all in one visit!!! today i am seeing a patient named "miss lulu belle starbucks", who is complaining of stomach pains, most likely due to her high coffee intake.

my embedded videos make my blog run slow, so I will go back and remove the videos I’ve embedded and just add links.

oh yeah, my bday is on wednesday. we did a little bday dinner thing at my mom's on sunday and it was fun. i am not big on bdays, never have been. i can remember as a kid hating when they sang happy bday to me. i'd hide under the table and cry. don't get me wrong, i love getting presents! but i am kind of shy in some odd way. i will post horrible videos of myself or embarrassing stories, but i don't like "too much" attention, especially from groups of people. just give me presents and skip the dumb cake and singing!

i am turning 38, which just seems....insane. in some ways i feel old. i have been through a lot as far as deaths in my family, car wrecks, financial ruin, major surgery, etc... but i obviously focus on the fun things too. i definitely have an "inner child". well, maybe i have an "inner adult" and the child is more in charge. i think it works well either way. i know how to have fun and see the joy in life, but can be a grown up when i need to.

ok, i am done for now, but let's think of some interesting ideas for blogging in 2008. i'd like to blog more about childhood memories (bad and good.) i have all the old photo albums from my mom's house and will start scanning old photos when time allows. maybe someone needs to get me that blogging book on my amazon wish list for my bday.
ok, time for a meeting, lunch break is over. ciao!


glittermom said...

The book might be a good idea...probably pointers on how to keep it short and sweet...and as you see no one gives a rats ass about the order of your peeps list...So put a lid on it..(this will probably move me down to the bottom) What ev-aa

glittermom said...


copaX said...

Welcome back. I knew you couldn't stay away very long. I'll be sure to tell the visitors that I've gained at my blog that you've come back ,just in case they want to give you a second chance, even after you deserted them.

glittermom said...

Fat Chance I say!

Whitey said...

Happy b-day, but damn your old...

Mojito Libre said...

I'm having fun pretending to be a broken-down auditor and trying to resurrect my audit from the dead. I think Jesus had it easier. All he had to do was feed thousands with a couple loaves of bread...I've got to talk to Developers about why certain files are breaking my computer!!!

/glad to see you weren't completely bullied for putting all your pink crap up at your desk :)