July 4, 2007

my best 4th of july........
in talking/ blogging with lisa ann, stacy, and dan, i have been reminded of my best 4th of july fireworks experience. now i shall tell it.
i was in columbus, probably 1994 or 95, working at the group home. i took the clients (about 8 mentally retarded adults) to the fireworks downtown. not a fun time. but we got there and found a somewhat uncrowded spot. james was a cranky old man and decided he would not leave the van. so i stayed in the van with him and we had a lovely view of the fireworks.
the first one went off and i said, "oh, look, it's a purple sizzler!" james laughed with delight.
the next ones went off and he said, "what's that one???" so i made up another name. "well, james, that's a fandango suprise!" he laughed even harder...

so for the next hour i made up elaborate and sometimes insane names for every firework that went off and he screamed and laughed the entire time. he especially loved the "pink stanley kubrick umbrella".....
then the tornado sirens went off. apparently a tornado warning was suddenly in effect and we had to find shelter immediately. so i rounded up the guys and piled everyone into the van. we were far from the group home, so i decided we'd show up (unannounced) at david's apartment on campus. he graciously invited us in and played host to me, a still laughing james, and 7 other clients from the group home in his tiny apartment.
to be continued.............


glittermom said...

Sounds like a night to remember...

Anonymous said...

"Yer feet ain't mates!"

- James