
also, i'd like to welcome suzanne, a fellow blogger who somehow stumbled onto mine and has been commenting lately. nice to have someone besides glittermom giving her 2 cents! (especially when mom implies i look like a gnome..... ha ha ha!!!)

in other blog news, copax is threatening to post some video of when he was over and i am sure to hate it. i am hoping he captured some footage of him & groundcat watching "charmed" while i complained bitterly. i apparently don't understand the magical combo of "supernatural abilities to battle the warlocks, demons and evil forces" combined with a lot of cleavage. whatever!
and finally, i think my bro-in-law (frylock) has a new blog cooking up (his 3rd or 4th, bless his attention deficit mind!) and i need to find the link he sent.
ok, my long weeked off starts in 45 minutes, ciao!
I don't think I can ever eat rice sausage again....thanks rachel
I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any "camel toes" that bad....that's just disgusting, BAHAHAHAA
Thanks for the welcome, it's nice to be recognized :) hehee
Um... You and your friend scare me.
Every time I lament my spinsterhood, I'm going to look at that disgusting photo and feel instantly cured!
I am so rockin' the pant coil. That's the coolness.
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