bye maggie.........

i think we let everyone know that maggie passed away yesterday. i wanted to let folks know before i blogged about it. she got very sick (with what we now know was "bloat") and passed away before the vet could try to help her with surgery.
my mom got maggie back in 96, after my stepdad passed away. she was a crazy puppy who loved to chew on everything and everyone. she was a handful and made us all crazy at times (like when i house sat and she ate 2 different tv remotes, a metal coffee mug and other assorted items.) i sometimes referred to her as "the pink nightmare", he he he....
but she was also funny and smart and sweet. she didn't mean to eat those paper towels! she didn't mean to lay on the wood frame i was painting purple, she didn't mean to give herself purple racing stripes! ah, i wish i had a pic of that.....
this weekend i (and when i say "i" i mean "dan") am going to scan some pics of maggie for another post. she was so photogenic! like one of those wegman dogs, but better, because she could eat pop cans......
of course i'm a spaz and this post made me laugh and cry at the same time.
it's hard to imagine dinner at mom's without her trying to steal our napkins and drink our coffee! LOL
Don't forget her helpful "washing dishes"- standing at the sink licking them! Hahahaha! I always wanted to see her in a frilly half apron doing that.
I love that crazy girl. I'm counting on her to expel every bastard squirrel from the afterlife.
Very sorry to hear about the passing of your loved one. It is always difficult. What a wonderful life she had for 11 years! She found the perfect crazy family to blend in with (sorry about the dangling participle).
Sorry, also to change topics. I saw another girl with your hair. How come girls with extremely thin hair, have pie faces? Is there possibly somewhere in the past, where this was desirible, so they were bred? Just a thought.
Awwwwww....sniff sniff...
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