January 19, 2007

i was talking with copax today, telling him how excited we are to have him come over for dinner. i said, "i'll throw some steaks on the grill. then me, you & dan can play guitars, bass, drum etc... and i'll show you the barn!" i went online and within seconds found the pic above as well as this link showing the barn. it struck me, how odd.... i never would have guessed i'd end up living with a barn in my front yard, no less a famous one! (dan has 2 coffee table books at home on OH's bicentenial barns and there may be more.) the cold weather has kept the "barn groupies" away, but in warmer days i was there to see folks pull up, set the tripods up and take pics of themselves in front of the barn. weird....

i went from the city (pretty much the inner-city) to waking up to deer outside the bedroom window.

in looking at my online photos, i struck me how strange and amazing life is, that i ended up in the house, with this boy and these dogs... and a big red barn. a year ago i never would have guessed where i would find myself now. or how happy i would be!

here's my favorite pic from inside the house. magical.......

and incase this has gotten too mushy, let's not forget i live with crabby choir guy!!!!! click here to relive the horror............


glittermom said...

thank God for curb side recycling..We don't want to see that face again....

glittermom said...

I'm not sure which way that light beam is coming from...heaven to earth or hell to earth..

tlm said...

Your roommate is in a choir?

Groundcat said...

yes, I am in a choir and I hate having to haul all the equipment everyweek by myself!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! first of all, mom, the recycling comment made me laugh so hard!

secondly, my "roomate" is NOT in a "choir"! my boyfriend is angry CHORE guy, and i, sadly, cannot seem to proofread.

is it spelled "chore"? where's mag's when i need her???

also, go to david's skullranch website to read about the image groundcat posted. the movie i hate!

glittermom said...

Stop bossing us Glittergirl....

glittermom said...

I think Choir boy (I love the fact you can sing) has blocked me from his blog...when I try to open it..it says page not found...very strange...

Anonymous said...

yes mom, "choir boy" has joined the BWPP (blog witness protection program.)

copaX said...

no, mom, it's not Choir Boy blocking you, it's Glitter Girl being unable to link properly. When you go there and get the error, take off the extra slash mark (/) on the end.

Anonymous said...

Just 1 comment... Not inner city, GHETTO...

vivalarobot said...

not completely ghetto, but PRE ghetto.