i realized recently that i am experiencing classic SAD symptoms and light therapy is recommended. read an article that explains Seasonal Affective Disorder here. instead of taking anti-depressants, i am trying light therapy this year. i am sure working 6 day weeks in a dark office is making it worse. so we'll see if the "grow light" works! i just wish it came in pink......
in other news, b-hax updated his blog and has a link to his grandfather's blog. pretty cool! and zak has updated his blog and added an online photo album. this pic of lucy with her face in a drinking glass made my day! he also has a link to judy's blog. maybe she'll let me add her to my list of "peeps and homies"......

and the blog is free. it's a waste of bandwith that i can occupy for no cost. except the time i waste at work blogging when i should be working. but that's my way to "stick it to the man!" yeah, i am a blogging revolutionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't a grow light for plants to help them grow? So if you think you will get taller you are badly mistaken...
Someone give that cat a bowl of water...I think her head is stuck in that glass...
My blog is incredibly lame and I don't care. I think of it as a prettier better organized version of a journal. It's good for me when people disagree with me though. It helps me question my choices and opinions in a way a journal wouldn't.
My written journal would just be a lot of complaining, people places things. Whereas my blog is about 5% non complaining. But far away friends who want to see the kids grow can on a regular basis.
Also, I'm creative sort of I think but my schedule leave no time for involved or messy art processes right now. The blog helps feel creative, like Jean Teasdale and her pompom babies at the Fabulous Trash booth down at the flea market.
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