November 5, 2006

oops, i did it again.....
i dyed my hair red, again. well, this time is more of a cooper color, but everytime i do it, i regret it. i've been dying my hair red almost every fall or winter for about 15 years now. i actually kind of like the cooper color, but as my mom pointed out, it's going to fade fast and become peach. blech!

we've been having a great time on this "mini-vacation". check out dan's blog for cool slide shows of dogs pics.
we decided at the last minute to have some people over saturday night. it ended up being so much fun! we grilled out burgers and brats, and rachel brought her famous jello shots. dan set up the microphone and "announced" everyone as they walked in the door. and everyone was offered a cane, of course. at one point "house of 1,000 corpses" was playing, with the sound turned off and aphex twin on the stereo, along with mike reciting bible verses into the microphone. just you're typical saturday night! i will post pics on my photo album blog. and here's a link (groundcat bosses me to provide links, because he's lazy...)

and finally, we went to cracker barrel for breakfast today. it was so loud and noisey and a panic attack waiting to happen. but look what i got!!!! it's a pink teddy bear with wings and glitter and oh my god!!! i can't look at it without giggling like a lunatic. dan asked what i was naming it and right away i said, "her name is isabelle sanford!!!" well, of course it is!


glittermom said...

I predict after a few washings your hair will be the color of Isabelle Sanfords.....

glittermom said...

And wheres my pumpkin roll !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glittermom needs to stop being a fuss bucket. Your hair is beautiful, and looks like the heat miser!!!

glittermom said...

I beleive thats a fuss budget not bucket...And I'm proud to the time you see her head it will be peachy, or brown, or blonde, or...who knows...right now its a bright shiny copper penny....

Primordial Dork said...

Jennifer- Lookit that saucy shirt.

The Vaycay is a wastin'. Get offline and go break some furniture.