October 25, 2006

ok, this is the most depressing news story. i don't even know what to say...for once.....

also, i wanted to say this about my being against the death penalty: i know a murderer (like lundgren) didn't give his victims a choice. but one persons wrong action doesn't mean another wrong action will make things better. i just don't think the government should be executing anyone. the government, cops and lawyers and judges, they make mistakes. they are sometimes corrupt. and even if they weren't, i don't think it should be up to any human to decide when someone should be murdered. lundgren should never have made that decision, and no judge or jury should have decided that for him.

i say put the worst of them in a tiny cell and let them sit and stare at a wall for 40 years and think about what they are missing.

on another note: i am terrible about turning the ringer on my cell phone on after work. so if i don't answer my phone when you call, it doesn't mean i am screening my calls. unless it's copax, and then you can assume i am screening your ass. hahahahaha, kidding!!!!


glittermom said...

We know...We just don't call you anymore...

glittermom said...

It good to know even after your gone we can still be making money off you....

Anonymous said...

why is that the most depressing news story?