October 31, 2006
October 30, 2006

October 29, 2006

i am going to load up my photo album with pics from the night, but here's a quick recap:

dan came to the party as michael myers/cowboy, with a ukulele and a 100 year old machete. his costume "transformed" throughout the evening (see the photo blog)

i looked like some kind of freaked-out china doll (as usual) and rachel's costume was CREEPY (bees are not funny!!!)

she punched out dan as part of his offer to cure her of her fear of michael myers through "therapy."

October 27, 2006

wow, it actually has a name and exists! i was going to say, "now i don't feel so crazy!" but yeah, i still feel crazy.... he he he..... i also have a fear of kitchen sink dish drains.
October 25, 2006

also, i wanted to say this about my being against the death penalty: i know a murderer (like lundgren) didn't give his victims a choice. but one persons wrong action doesn't mean another wrong action will make things better. i just don't think the government should be executing anyone. the government, cops and lawyers and judges, they make mistakes. they are sometimes corrupt. and even if they weren't, i don't think it should be up to any human to decide when someone should be murdered. lundgren should never have made that decision, and no judge or jury should have decided that for him.
i say put the worst of them in a tiny cell and let them sit and stare at a wall for 40 years and think about what they are missing.
on another note: i am terrible about turning the ringer on my cell phone on after work. so if i don't answer my phone when you call, it doesn't mean i am screening my calls. unless it's copax, and then you can assume i am screening your ass. hahahahaha, kidding!!!!
October 24, 2006

in other news, the state of OH executed jeffrey lundgren today. just a few weekends ago groundcat & i drove around to find the barn where he murdered that family out in kirtland.
so what's everyone's stand on the death penalty? i know in previous posts i've identified myself as pro-choice/ pro death (meaning, i am pro abortion and pro physician assisted suicide, but against the death penalty since it is not by choice.)
October 21, 2006

i've been going through photos on my old external hard drive and found this one. i remember exactly why i was so pissed off, and it was all my little sister's fault. it was my 6th birthday, we were living in kentucky. my teacher made me a super cool birthday crown with glitter all over it, and jennette kept grabbing it and finally ripped it. damn 2 year old brat! oh gosh, i was so mad...i sulked from the rest of the evening. nice undies showing! hahahaha! no wonder i hate birthdays to this day....
i think i may have posted this one before. it's me at about 5 years old in my all time favorite halloween costume. my mom made it from scratch and i even had a pencilled on evil mustache. and my dad made the pitchfork from an old broom stick. best costume ever!!!

and finally, here i am with the worst doll ever. look how depressed i am! she had a horrible face and a long skinny body and spindley arms and legs. horrible!!!!
October 18, 2006
i snapped this pic when i got home from work. this is our new friend out in the front bushes. the blur on the photos if from griffin's nose (he's a bit of an underfoot dog.) but look at this spider, he's HUGE!!! what shall i name this one???
i name this spider stephen colbert. maybe i'll get a better pic of him tomorrow!

October 17, 2006
i asked if anyone ever heard the saying "jesus criminetly" a few days ago and no one responded. so now i am wondering if anyone says "huck-a-buck" or "hucklebuck" like i do. i know on howard stern they had a debate about the term and origin. this guy wrote a song with the name in it and i think it's primarily a cleveland saying....

martha (the spider) has decided to really take over the bathroom. this morning i found her up on the shower stall, spying on me in the shower. she's huge and furry, and i saw her legs dangling over the edge, above my head. we had a little talk about what's "appropriate", and how i'd prefer she hang out on the angel statue (if she wouldn't mind.)
my drive to work today took 1.5 hours, just driving from mentor to downtown cleveland. and the only reason traffic seemed to be so bad was that it was raining. i didn't see one accident! i can't imagine the commute when it's snowing. i need a heliocopter! we could store it in the barn on weekends.... yes, that's a brilliant idea!

one thing that makes the drive better is listening to rover in the morning. when howard stern left radio i was so sad, and not interested in any replacements. but i caught a few mornings of rover and i am hooked. and now that they're back in cleveland! they are 1 block from my work, so i am determined to see "dare dieter" some day in person. a few weeks back my evil boss was out on euclid ave. smoking and came in to report seeing a guy in a werewolf costume riding on top of a ford escort. dammit, i missed him that time!

ok, now let's discuss sweetest day. i have never paid any attention to this "holiday", but folks at work brought it up. so i looked it up on wiki, and apprently it IS a made-up holiday and it IS primarily a cleveland/ great lakes thing. i just like the quote, "sweetest day is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, aged and orphaned, but also friends, relatives and associates whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed." so this saturday, don't forget to send a card to an sick, old orphans you might know!!!
Push your partner out,
Then you hunch your back,
Start a little movement in your sacroiliac,
Wiggle like an eel, waddle like a duck,
That's the way you do it when you do the Hucklebuck
also, check out zak's new post on the old blog, and stacy's post from the weekend with awesome kid pics, and you know i am not normally a sucker for the kiddie photos, but H & A are so lovely!!! here's little henry the first day i met him, in my rastafarian wig:
October 16, 2006

our front door spider (raoul) has disappeared, but now we have one of his friends living in the bathroom (on the wing of my angel statue.) this spider is different looking, almost fuzzy. i think it's a girl and i am naming her martha.

October 15, 2006
October 14, 2006
October 13, 2006
October 11, 2006
I just got a chair massage at work- (thanks big corporation!!!) Love it. They have these cute little grab items which are thoughts for a healthier mind. I picked one at random, so fate would tell me what I need. Mine said "Ask for what you want". Astounding. I really looked at it for a minute. How simple. And straightforward. And something I would never think myself. Now, I am not a flaming idiot or a simpleton of any nature, but I think sometimes we are programmed to be too diplomatic and PC, to the point we really get away from our true selves. If I want something, no one will read my mind. There is no one whose job it is to make sure I have what I want or need. That stopped years ago. So, I better get on the ball and tell people what I want, or not get frustrated when I do not get it.
Another thought, I think people have such an awakening turning 40, not because of the actual number it represents, but because the 30's seem to slip by. I realized the other day I am 36 years old. Now some people will say this is young, while others may see me as old. I see me as surprised. I swear I just turned 32. Not sure why exactly that age, but that seems to be about where I am. Time flies by. My mom always used to say it, but I never believed it as a child. Sometimes it seems like time is slipping away and there are things I want to do, that I am not getting done. Other times, it seems like I have so many years to accomplish my goals. It seems like there is never time to just breathe. I am very busy, but I don't get to do everything I want. I guess it is time to cut out the filler. If I don't love it, why bother? It's my life, and I only get 1. Why put off being happy, or doing what I truly want to do?
(also,here's a poem UC freak wrote about me on groundcat's blog comments....)
Anally retentive, that's my girl,
Analyzing little witch, that's my girl,
She cannot be left in the dark
I explain that it wasn't a lark
Inquisitive little GG, that's my girl.
Sometimes things are just beautiful because they are.