May 31, 2006

more bossing.....

i am recommending yet another movie. this one is a lovely little british film about a man with OCD. read about it here. it's sort of a love story for the mentally ill. not that i relate! (ah hell, of course i relate.....)

speaking of OCD, i dropped my earring in the toliet stall at work, and when i bent down to pick it up, my work ID badge dipped into the toliet. yes, looks like i will be spending $10 to replace my "lost" ID badge. the germs, my god, the germs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on another note; the month of june is almost here and i just realized this blog is officially one year old. happy birthday bossy blog!!!!!!! thanks to zak for hooking me up with the blog in the first place, although i am sure he has come to regret it. if you go back into the archives from june 2005 you will see a pic of him that i lovingly photoshopped. hehehehehe.....

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