April 21, 2006

not so good.....
dixie's not doing so good. i noticed she was sick on tuesday (lethargic and not eating.) the vet said to keep an eye on her and by thursday morning it was bad. she's got acute pancreatitis, either from eating something poison, or possibly just old age. it's touch and go. she's not responding to medicine and we have 1 last hope to stop the internal bleeding. we'll know tomorrow if the steroids work.

i've been crying off and on for the last few days, and it's so damn sad, but it's also ok. whatever happens, she's had a great few years. this month is the 3 month anniversary of my adopting her, and she's been spoiled every day. when i got her 3 years ago she was sick and misdiagnosed with cushings. they gave her 1 to 2 years at best. so now it's been 3 and i've loved her every day. i'll know tomorrow if we have more time, or if it's time to let the old girl go. until then... we laugh, we cry, and i just ordered a pizza.

btw- that photo above is the first photo we ever took of her. david took it on his cell phone at my mom's, and she's smiling!!!! we've been so lucky to have her these last few years.


Anonymous said...

Shes a good ole girl....

copaX said...

It sucks when you may end up losing a pet. I've lost quite a few over the years and each one was very hard to take. I know whenever the day comes that Jack passes it will be very hard. I've had him for 11 years now. We've been through alot of good and bad times together. They become part of your family, sometimes even better than your family. They just want someone to love them and pet them and feed them and play with them. Just keep loving her as long as you have her around. ok, that's enough, dammit, i'm starting to cry.

Primordial Dork said...

Oh, Jennifer! I'm so sorry about Dixie being sick. She's a wonderful dog and I know how much you love her.

It's sad when a dog doesn't get what they need early in life and you they come into your life a little funky, a bit eccentric, or just lost time you wish you had with them to begin with. You wonder if the time they had with you was enough to feel like you righted their heart a little.

Dixie knows you did. She has Griffin and the cats to play with, a nice yard, and an owner who would probably clean the vet's house if it meant getting her proper medical care.

She knew that, that's why she was smiling when you brought her home.

Anonymous said...

Shes back!