April 9, 2006

first kareoke, now this.....
i went bowling out on the west side and had a great time. i got the lowest score out of 10 people, and had to tell everyone the story of how i used to take the clients at the group home bowling and i'd lose every game. nothing like having a van full of retarded folks laughing at you for sucking at bowling.

i call my bowling style "idiot savant" since i go from gutter balls to strikes, with nothing in between. i'm the rainman of bowling!!!

and on a sad note, i must make an announcement: i was wrong about something. i was wrong and vern was right. whatever......


Anonymous said...

Please elaborate on your wrongness....We are all ears....And whats with those pink cheeks? Where's the Mary Kay when you need it.


the pink cheeks are just my normal healthy glow, and nothing to do with the beer in my hand.

i was wrong about some obscure music trivia. again, i say WHATEVER!