October 6, 2005

this photo has nothing to do with the post, i just wanted to share it. this will be the last of the photos of these fools for a while. :o)

this post is about weight. i finally weighed myself and got some semi-good news. i'm sure not skinny, but i have stopped gaining weight and have lost a few pounds. the good news is that i haven't gained weight in months. i gained last october being on anti-anxiety meds, and over the spring eating fast food and lunch out at work.

when summer started i changed my diet. almost no fast food or wine, and mostly healthy choices. so i am relieved to know i have stopped gaining and have lost a few pounds. i am not up for a diet right now, but am hoping over the next year or so i will slowly lose a pound here and there (kind of how i gained it.)

blah blah blah....... there's my semi good news!

on other fronts, stacy got a dog! go check out fred on her blog. he looks like a real pistol.

speaking of dogs, for anyone who has pets, please read this article: http://www.slate.com/id/2127419/ it finally breaks the myth that dogs think anything like humans. it makes me crazy when people say things like, "oh, rover trashed the house and peed on my bed because he was mad at me." animals don't do those things out of revenge, or to make the owners feel guilty for leaving them. they do it out of anxiety. sometimes a new situation like a change in the owner's schedule can cause huge amounts of anxiety. or sometimes an animal is sick or in pain, but they owner can't tell. all i am saying is not dog or cat is sitting there contemplating destroying property out of any spite or anger. read the article. i am bossing you!!!

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