February 21, 2008

my va jay jay likes to blog!!!

i've blogged about "guilty pleasures" before, and i've blogged about this disgusting beverage before, but EOB has confessed to something shocking. (i actually had nightmares last night about clamato last night!!! )

so besides my embarassing love of things like mcdonald's filet-o-fish, the counting crows , dr. phil , lawry's season salt and white bread, what else is there to confess?

yesterday i was in a very long & slow line at the grocery store. i found myself riffeling through "cosmo" to read the sex articles. i would never pay money for the magazine, but i love reading it for free! they give pretty stupid advice, nothing new or earth shattering. i sometimes pick the longest line just to give myself time to read articles inclduing advice like this little gem: “Throw a large glass of ice-cold water on him, and tell him you did it ‘cause he’s so hot” i can't wait to try this out on groundcat!!!!

the cover also had a headline about one's "va jay jay" and i have to thank oprah & grey's anatomy for that one. idiots..... (the vintage cover above is so much better!!!)

in other randomness- my salad from donato's pizza was 80% croutons 10% cheese, 8% tomato and 2% lettuce. weird.....

also: i am loving the eee pc subcompact laptop. it's exactly what i wanted when i bought the palm pilot last year. you know, the one that i ended up giving away because it sucked so damn bad! i paid $100 for that rotten piece of garbage palm pilot, and $300 for the eee pc which meets all my reasons for wanting a palm pilot and includes wifi. AND it's pink.

why does john mccain look like this? and why does his wife look like that? it seems wrong for many reasons.... i bet anthony cartouche could come up with a good caption!

random jennette fact for the day: she was quite the fashion plate as a small child. note the yellow tights (left.) although she got a little confused with her halloween outfit on the right. a witch cape with a tiger hat? come on!

(side note- why did we have to have red carpet in homes in 2 different states???)


Mojito Libre said...

Regarding Cosmo's sage advice of throwing ice water on your S.O. - my wife did that to me when I was in the shower. We didn't get all hot and bothered by it, though. I shrieked like a little girl and then slipped and fell. I almost broke my hip and my wife almost pissed herself laughing so hard.

That was the last time she pulled that kinda crap on me...

glittermom said...

Did you notice the orange purse? even at a young age she was being groomed to be a purse fanatic...and the red carpet??? I hated it!!!!!!

glittermom said...

You will find that second wives usally end up looking a lot younger than the 1st ones...and maybe a little more orange...

Anonymous said...

wow, look at that coat!! and that crazy face i'm making again (i think it's the same as the kool-aid face from a few days ago actually...)
that halloween outfit has to be mom's fault. seriously, i was too young to know what the hell i was doing!!

Anonymous said...

Is no one going to point out Jennette was not wearing head to toe black? Apparently colors do not burn her skin. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

today i had an outfit on that was very similar to that halloween pic. true story.