July 23, 2005

this is my favorite pic of myself. my friend's daughter selena took it. she also took the photo of me that appears in the upper left corner of my blog. she's my own personal paparazzi. selena is a great kid who, besides being obsessed with her hair, is a blast to be around.

anyways, i am in a funk today. getting nothing done around the house and watching bad lifetime movies. just zero motivation. i read the william styron book about his own experience with depression and he describes it perfectly. the word "depression" itself barely describes it. i once read some saying it feels like "unfocused dread" and that has always stuck with me. i don't like to tell people i suffer from depression because they have little understanding. they think it's a mood and something to get over. cheer up! i try to explain it to people by comparing it to diabetes. depression is a problem due to lack of enough certain brain chemicals (no matter what that asshole tom cruise says!) so telling me to cheer up is like telling a diabetic to produce more insalin.

wow, that turned into a rant. now it's time for me to get off this computer and clean my house. enough of this moping around! i need to cheer up!!!!! hehehe....

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