August 11, 2008

bored with blog

i am bored with the look of this blog. yawn!!! i am going to start a complete overhaul, so don't panic if it looks strange over the next few days. (translation: "mom, don't call me to tell me the peeps & homies list has moved or that you don't like the colors.") get ready for experimental blog template week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


copaX said...

CHANGE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs around the office, holding his ears, singing the flintstones theme song*

Nah, in all seriousness, since the only time I come to the blog now is to comment, and I read your posts via your rss feed, make sure you make a new post when you change the scheme, so I can come check it out and rag on it. Holy bejeezus, that was a run-on sentence!

Jen said...

fyi- i just got the first email from my mom, "you screwed up! you chg'd your blog and now no peep list?"

can we say PREDICTABLE???

mom- give me time to make my changes and everything will eventually be back to somewhat normal.


glittermom said...


glittermom said...

I can't keep up with these blog changes...but I do like this one..except its a little too wide and part of it is cut off...maybe I need a bigger screen...or maybe you need to cut it down...