April 2, 2008

i steal from pajiba all the damn time. actually, i stole pajiba from craptastic! anways, this pic of madonna........yikes! me scared of sinewy lady!

there was an actress on CSI last night, playing a small part, who i thought was so pretty. i liked her haircut and thought her face was beautiful in an odd way. i'll add a pic. i wonder why we find certain people attractive? especially when it's someone of the same sex. it makes me wonder if we find those attractive who look like we want to look, or if there's some existing similarity to how we actually do look. (side note- i just spent 15 minutes of my lunch break searching for a good photo of this chick, to no avail. i finally took a pic from IMBD using screenshot techniques. i am starting to feel like a creepy stalker fan.)

i am so excited to have rover's morning glory back on the air! it's really a good way to pass the drive in and i love that it's local. a local radio show you don't have to be embarassed about (like when O&A rip on maxwell) is pretty damn cool. click here to see a bad ass commerical from when the show was on in chicago. groundcat tells me the black keys are playing in the background!

when you have short hair and it starts to grow out, you have to be very careful not to end up with a mullet. i can feel the hairs hitting the back of my collar, so i know it's time to see my hairdresser. there should be some kind of alarm system that goes off when your hair reaches the "mullet zone."

dear whitey- you might think those soy crisps i blogged about sound like they'd be good, and you'd be right, but stay the hell away from my vending machine!!!!!

in the past, i've admitted to liking the counting crows, and feeling some embarassment about it. they have a new album coming out, and have been out promoting it. sunday afternoon groundcat was able to take my mild embarassment to a whole new level. they appeared on some VH1 classic show, and for an hour performed in between interviews with adam duritz and the VJ. per wiki: "Counting Crows, and Adam Duritz in particular, have become renowned for the energetic, passionate nature of their live performances." i am not a fan of this kind of over-the-top, improv sort of thing. i am made uncomfortable by open mic poetry readings for the same reason. anyways, the performances on this sunday morning show were beyond anything i could have imagined. duritz sang and "emoted" and recited poetry, while making deep, meaningful eye contact with the camera. one song had a 5 minute "improv" stuck in the middle that made me double over and get my famous, "this is so sucky bad it gives me goosebumps" reaction. groundcat seemed to enjoy watching me squirm.

ok, that's it for now. soon to come: more embarassing stories, the elementary school years.



just in glancing at this post, the photo of the actress i think is pretty stands out. she has a similar nose with a little bit of a split or "butt crack" on the end like i do, and big eyes. i totally think she's my ideal version of how i'd like to look. like, the super pretty & fancy version of me. jen 2.0!!!


Whitey said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT afraid of you and your little orange Suzuki!!!

Anonymous said...


Looking at the source code for the IMDB page shows that the URL for the pic you had to screengrab is http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjE4NDk1MTkxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTI5NTgyMQ@@._V1._SY400_SX600_.jpg

Anonymous said...

Whoops. Ignore that. Instead look at the URL for this link.


you're super smart, anthony! thanks for helping me better stalk my new same-sex crush actress!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's what friends are for, GG.