April 1, 2008

2 things that have nothing to do with each other...

chips: i got these soy crisps out of the vending machine at work. they are awesome. i immediately got online to see where i could purchase more, and found that the company has no real website & definitely no online ordering. i found a few message boards where people were obsessing about these things, just like me after discovering them in a vending machine. i dug around and found a link to the company's address and an email account (aol of all things!) i wrote and asked about these crisps and got a response within 10 minutes. the marketing guy said that they are a small company and can't get any of the big stores to distribute their products, so in the next month they are going to start selling in bulk on amazon.com. just very odd all in all. but if you see these damn things in a vending machine, get them and mail them to me.
now for something equally boring but totally unrelated: we've been watching reruns of CSI recently. the original one, in vegas with the red-headed lady from "china beach" and the crabby detective from "manhunter". they are pretty much playing those same roles... anyways, it's a good show, but it makes me miss an old favorite: quincy!!! besides MASH, this was one of my favorite shows as a kid. (which explains a lot.) quincy was funny and cranky and lived on a houseboat. he fights with his boss and, well, here's the typical episode broken down by someone on wiki:

* Somebody dies, seemingly by natural causes.
* Quincy notices something that causes him to suspect foul play.

* He then changes roles from medical examiner to detective.

* Quincy's boss gets upset, believing that Quincy is seeing evidence that doesn't exist and that Quincy should work on routine cases. The police get their feathers ruffled as he "shoulders-in" on their territory as well.

* He argues quite loudly with some bureaucratic individual impeding the case.

* Quincy solves the murder.

yes!!!!! how could you not love that?????


Primordial Dork said...

I love that show, as well as Columbo. But I always wondered about if I would really want to hang out with Quincy, or Angela Lansbury or Columbo beacuse wherever they go loads of people die.

PS- I am going to blog about how the Bells' Palsy X 4 has made me have the googly eye like Peter Falk and Courtney Love.

Whitey said...

For some horribly un-explainable reason, toasted soy-crips actually sound good to me. I must be loosing my mind!!!