March 14, 2008

blah. random. more blah.

i know how ya feel cleo........i feel blah, ick, yuk. malaise with a dose of ennui. end of winter funk. wishing for spring blues. weepy for no real reason. moody. PMS 24-7. ugh.

a confession: i spent $2.99 for a ringtone of amy winehouse's "rehab" song. i feel deeply ashamed for a number of reasons. bleh.

vegas: i posted on doug stanhope's message board asking for recommendation for weird vegas stuff to do and got some interesting responses, including a few from stanhope himself. i'm not sure if the link will work, you might need to join the board. it's worth your time to do so. there's some interesting stuff posted there. it's not always pretty and at times filthy dirty. not safe for work, or kids, or the easily offended. reading it may cause cancer or kill baby seals. i just think stanhope is smart and funny and i've blogged about him before. whatever.

will ferrell is also funny on the youtube, here and here. i wish lorne michaels wasn't such a nazi about pulling all SNL clips from youtube. i'd love to see his neil diamond skit and not just the gap commercial. meh.

here's some pics of a furry fake tattoo, my cute slippers, wigs, masks, and griffin. sigh.....


glittermom said...

How did your monkey sheets make it to the dog room?


it's only the top sheet, because it nevers stays on because i toss and turn too much.

this post is a total debbie downer!

glittermom said...

Yes it is...I think you've run out of material...maybe you need a ghost writer...

Primordial Dork said...

I don't mind the occasional bummer post. A girl can only maintain the glitter levvel for so long without the occasional Turner and Hooch

Don't feel bad about ringtones: I have paid cash money for Cure, Aimee Mann, Cake, and Beck Ringtones. Additionaly I was the cash patron of even more embarrassing Kid Ringtones (System of a Down) and Mom Ringtones (Garth Brooks.)

But frankly. Where is the Billy Joel ringtone? Fess.

Primordial Dork said...

Also, I know I'm being a total comment whore, but my coworkers and I are also heartbroken that we can no longer watch the Timberlake/Samberg masterpiece "Dick in a Box", Janet Reno, etc.

It's amazing how many characters Will Ferrell had that people actually remember.

Say, Jennifer, if the moon were made of barbecue spareribs, would you eat it?

Heck, I know I woud.


harry carey!!!!!!!!

dick in a box and lazy sunday are no where to be found.

or will ferrell's vietnam vet who posed nude for college drawing classes (and offered to grate fresh romano cheese onto his chest.)

keep the comment whoring coming! it helps cure the ennui.

Anonymous said...

Ok Jen ... this might make you laugh! The monkey sheet ... I have pajamas that match them! I could sit in the dog room and disappear if I had my monkey pajamas on. Those are my favorite pajamas ... now I want the sheets. I did not know sheets existed! OMG ... Sue is going to have a fit if I come home with monkey sheets. But remember that I will totally blame it on you!



kel- these bed sheets are from target online. you NEED them. i think they make wallpaper with sock monkeys too. sue will love it! LOL!!!

Primordial Dork said...

Okay one more thing and I promise I'll stop!

I'm telling you this because I know it's right up your alley.

The original clips of Will Ferrell as Harry Carey are no longer on YouTube, but there is a rather long and uncomfortable video of a US Soldier actually performing a Checkpoint search of a vehicle and speaking to the bewildered and terrified Iraqi civilian in the Will Ferrell Harry Carey voice.

The Iraqi guy keps laughing along nervously, in hopes he will not die.

It's upsetting and surreal.

Anonymous said...

i think i warned you about the monkey sheets. also, i just wanted to let you know that we didn't leave mom's because you guys were coming over, we just had a bunch of crap to do. we're very busy important people. VIPS baby! LOL

blueyonderchild said...

I dunno, Jen, to me you just sound pregnant.
