February 22, 2008

random huckabuck......

i got up this morning and to find griffin had created another "found object" art exhibit, this time with dan's pjs and griffin's favorite toys. when i asked him about it he gave me a very serious look.

griffin loves groundcat and groundcat loves skulls! groundcat found the perfect website for himself, and his tattoo might someday soon be featured. very cool!!!!

i am loving my new stat counter. a new search engine word i just noticed: "tracy trailmix porn". now who is searching for such a thing, and why does my blog come up??? what about greta granola???? i need to start adding keywords like "2 girls 1 cup" and other horrible internet things that pervs will be googling for. naked lindsey lohan!!!! britney spears full frontal nudity!!! (that ought to do it.....)

UC freak random facts: uc freak is a girl. she is bossier then me, likes to startle people, and used to pick up my coffee in the morning and smell it. she hates tomatoes and ketchup, and finds griffin to be highly annoying. she suffers from some form of ADD and when we shared an office, i created an excel spreadsheet to track behavior, such as how many times a day she snuck up behind me and said "boo!" or smelled my starbucks. she is from the midwest, one of those big square states in the middle. she enjoyed spreading bizarre rumors about me at the old job (including a number of pregnancy scares) and helped chief blackcloud tony compose a song about me, entitled, "jennifer got knocked up, because she didn't take it up the butt..." i believe is was some sort of hip-hop song and there might have been a dance as well. the photo above comes up when i google image search for undercover freak.

lunch update: i have burned my thumb on boiling hot soup. there's a huge blister forming, but i still love soup.

here are some recent photos of things i love or hate:
i love the eee pc and bring it to work every day
i love when the dogs come in from the cold all excited for treats. i hate the white crap on all my black clothes from road salt in the winter. my poor gaberdine coat is a mess!
these new sunkist fruit chews come presorted, for OCD folks like me! and this peppermint splash gum kicks ass.

i love the witch doll i stole from dan and brought to work, and i love the macro lens on my camera (i got a good tattoo close up with it!)

ok, that's it. peace out!


Anonymous said...

Sadly, most is true. I hate tomatoes, not catsup, I only find Griffin annoying when he lays on me, my song went 'Jennifer, she's a whore'. Also, I think it would be easier to sum it all up as "Annoyance".
As far as keywords, how about random "Queen Elizabeth's nose hairs", "Why the French cannot accessorize", or "Conspiracy Theories regarding the Powerpuff Girls". Or, just link to Miriam Webster, so all words are keywords...
Oh, and you can say what you want, but I am not bossier than GG. Jennette and Rachel can both attest to that!!

Mojito Libre said...

w/2 girls 1 cup I think you'll have the number 1 spot in Google results...I only saw a parody and that was enough for me, thank you very much.

I've got a high tolerance for A LOT of stuff, but I definitely have to draw the line at some stuff.

God, I could eat dinner while watching Faces of Death and not get squeamish, but I don't even want to watch the "cup" video.

Mojito Libre said...

Oh, and thanks for the posts about the eeE PC. Now, I want one and i don't think I really even need it. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

ohhh...that skulladay site has a skull cross stitch pattern i might have to try!!


mojito- glad i could cause some trouble in your life. i miss sitting in the pit at work and jabber-jawing about music, tattoos, and all the strange ways you & have managed to injure ourselves. don't let anyone tell you that you don't need the eee pc. you NEED it, real bad.

you also need more tattoos. start spending your kid's college savings now!!!!


Mojito Libre said...

Well, that Kenny Rogers tat is sounding pretty sweet right about now...I'll get it done in such a way that when you look at it from the left it'll look like Kenny and when you look at it from the right it'll look like Bob Seger.

It will be 10 kinds of awesome.

**I am SO kidding about getting this tattoo.