February 7, 2008

my last post for the day.....

well, i'm getting ready to head home from work. trying not to worry too much about the interview airing tonight. i have to keep reminding myself that i tried to be really honest about what the reporter was asking me. even if it was embarrassing as hell! i was open about the depression, weight gain, wine drinking, etc.... i tried my best to give my opinion, and not slam the surgery. but i can't control how the piece ends up. i can't decide how they edit the interview. if i look like a jackass, so be it.

i just wished i'd picked a better outfit for the interview.....something like this:

wow, i just went to the channel 3 website and saw an ad for my interview: "BARIATRIC BUST tonight at 11pm" hahahahahaha!!!! is it some veiled reference to my bra size?

i'm going to have to remember what HST always said: buy the ticket, take the ride...... i signed up for this, it was all my idea, so whatever happens, i need to just deal with it. who knows, it might end up being a fun ride.....

on another note: more scanner fun!
things were really pink in the 70's!
could i look any more scared? why am i holding my hands out like that? i like that dress though. i'd wear it today.

update: home now & i just got a call from my old boss and apparently i'm on the radio!!!! he was leaving a 4pm meeting (otherwise known as the bar), got into his vehicle, turned on the radio and heard, "tonight at 11, a local woman's horror story of bariatric surgery!!!!" and then a clip of me saying, "i wish i had all been told about all the potential problems before it was too late..." or something like that. it was hard to get the info out of him, because he was laughing so hard.

again, this is all beyond surreal. i'm some combination of horrified and amused.

as i sit here in my pjs typing on the iMac, the dogs relaxing after dinner, tv on, i see the promo for BARIATRIC BUST tonight at 11pm and just shake my head and giggle.

buy the ticket, take the ride.........


copaX said...

If it makes you feel any better, I can predict something right now, without a shadow of a doubt.

After watching the interview, I'll be as proud of you for doing it as I am now :)

ok, I lied. maybe I'll be prouder :-P

glittermom said...

I believe that dress was winnie the pooh...

Anonymous said...

I blogged about you today and will do so again after I see the segment. You are brave to go on camera and talk about your experiences.



chris and anthony- you boys are gonna make me cry!!!!!

Anonymous said...


i read this quote today and thought of you...

..."I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts.
As a result of them...you will have the grace for courageous deeds."


copaX said...

I think this is the first time I've ever sat here anticipating the news

copaX said...


copaX said...

btw, my goal is to make this your most commented post evar

copaX said...

I don't care about obama and clinton. that story from missouri is sad though

copaX said...

gas wells...pshhh...this is such a fluff piece


we have been saying the same things!!!!!

copaX said...

I don't care about mit romny...come on...get to the real story


who cares about mitt romney????

also, sad fact, i didn't know who the governor of ohio was.

copaX said...

ok, I'm not gonna make comments on the l.a. standoff. that would be rude

Anonymous said...

what about the car hold up in madison twp......that isn't as critical as your story


seriously, show the GD story and let me go to bed!

Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney = giant douchebag

copaX said...

seriously!? tattoo vaccines?! wtf

copaX said...


copaX said...

SHOW GROUNDCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

copaX said...


Anonymous said...

very good!!!!!!!!!! you looked very pretty....not red or talking to fast. you did a great job!!!! who was that guy in the background kitchen cove?

copaX said...

Seriously, that was awesome, jennifer. It wasn't spun, it was you coming out and saying "I screwed up, and I didn't know where to go for help" in the hopes that other people who feel the same way can have somewhere to turn. I'm so proud and impressed.

copaX said...

I'm also so glad that the nook and groundcat made it into the story. but I'm very disappointed that gwiffin was not featured running around and spazzing, nor did I hear any cleo farts.

copaX said...

wtf..why isn't the story up on their website yet.

copaX said...

wtf, why am I still up? ok, no more comments.



it turned out not entirely horrible.

i emailed monica robins and thanked her for helping me tell my story.

i'm going to bed now!!!!

p.s. yeah, why isn't it on the website yet???

Anonymous said...

I think it is totally ironic that when I clicked on your story on wkyc.com, there was there was an advertisement at the bottom of the page for doughtnuts. But not just any doughtnuts.... but nutricious "Super Donuts" - available at your local Giant Eagle frozen section.

Haha, as you keep saying: "It's like raaaaaiiiiin on your wedding day".

Whitey said...



smag- that made me laugh so hard!

it's like super donuts!!! on your being-on-the-news-talking-about-being-fat day!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yea boiii!