January 22, 2008

peeps & homies.....speak now!

i realize my choice to take this blog more "public" could mean anyone commenting on on the "peeps & homies" list could get unwanted attention. so, before the story airs (on feb 5th), let me know if anyone would like their link removed. speak now or forever hold your piece. (or is it peace?) whatever, you know damn well what i mean!
in other randomness- that new "cloverfield" movie looks stupid. a blair witch project knock off. a the shakey handheld camera makes me naseous. except when john casssavetes did it in the early 70's. then it was just really cool.


glittermom said...

I'm in....shouldn't you be working?

copaX said...

I'm game, though it wouldn't hurt for you to maybe sell us up a bit to attract the proper market. Sell your mom up for her photography, dan for his musical abilities, and me as just an all-around catch for the ladies.

Mojito Libre said...

Chris, you should set up a flog (or Fake Blog) for Uncle Tank...I'm sure that would attract a lot of viewership...it would have to go at the top of the peeps and homies list, though, because to Uncle Tank, everyone's beneath him.

Whitey said...

Damn, I'm not sure what I would get a mention for... Maybe I should post more racy ramblings... How about an editorial on how I hate yellow peeps and only blue peeps should be sold... Or an article on how EVIL harlaquins are and we need to go to war with France to get rid of them...

I'M GAME, but I'm sure Copax will get all the trim...


i need to start charging ad fees for anyone staying on this blog!


i need to start charging ad fees for anyone staying on this blog!


dammit, a double comment!