November 14, 2007

still boring and random

not sure what's up, but i have nothing to really blog about. i might be suffering from blog ennui...

we saw on the news last night that they tore down the old lundgren barn. read about it here. we did some research online and were able to find the barn and snap a quick photo (since we had to drive onto the property to see it, probably not so legal...) i know for me, i wanted to see the barn out of natural curiosity, morbid fascination, and interest in barns. i don't think tearing down the barn will get rid of any "evil". i guess i don't believe a building or piece of land can be "evil", only the people who do bad things there. who knows, just interesting to think about....

some good news- the sea-monkeys are back! i left the lid off the tank and stirred the water gently (to "aerate" per website instructions) and today i see 4 or 5 of the little guys back swimming around!

work is getting crazy again. from now until february it's going to be busy and stressful, but i prefer that to quiet and slow. the days fly by when work is going batshit crazy!!!

i guess that's all. maybe glittermom or j-net can update their blogs. yeah!!!


glittermom said...

they are going to build a church on the old barn site...and I can't find my blog, guess its too far down to locate, so no new blogs for me...sorry...

glittermom said...

Those sea monkeys are very crafty critters...They like to play dead to fool don't flush until your really really sure they are dead...Or you might hear tiny little screams going down the toilet...

Anonymous said...

...interest in barns...??? WTF???
Are you now Amish? JC Yoder??

glittermom said...

I think she is now amish...Dan came with a barn, hence the love of barns...